Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hw # 45

Hirshes theory and Sizer"s thoery do contradict each other because Hirshes theory is about not only learning required skills for reading comprehension but also a background knowledge on what one is learning. He also wanted schools to have a specific curriculm so the students could have deeper understnading than most. While Sizer's theory is all about
" that the student is a valued worker in that community, with the teacher in the role of mentor or coach" meaning student plays bigger role than versus in hirshes theory where its all based on curriculm given. He believed that schools should no longer have "one - size - fits - all educational methods, no more standardized tests which Hirshes did believe in giving tests to make sure students did learn the specific curriculm. they could be adapted together and have a bit of both allowing students to experience learning both ways.

Before came to SOF I had never known about things like Habits of Mind or to think more outside the "box". I just learned what i was given, a specific curriculm. All my friends and I were learning same things, even if in different school. But at SOF we learned about habits of mind; how to look at the significance of the situation or looking at it through alternate views. I do believe there are teachers who are inspired by Hirsh at SOF, that they teach us from a curriculm which all the following students after me will learn as well.

Reading about these theorists made me realize that the way education can be different but how can we know which one is actually effective? Could compare SOF to another school who has more of Hirshe's theory? And which education helps more outside of school?

Hw # 44

The first source: liberal arts specifically answered a question our class asked how is any of what we're learning going to help us in the future? This article answers by saying it is not the specific content that is important the way we are learning it, to "digest it" , to analyze, make our own conclusions or opinions about it. it is a struggle many teachers have is always being questioned of their curriculum and how important it is. This reminds me of how SOF has the habits of mind which help us analyze things, find significance, etc as a different way of teaching instead of just teaching specific content like linear functions or ionic bonding etc and moving on. But in high school there are limits to what one can learn, they are all generalized classes and have specific curriculum for us to take in order to graduate. My question is who decides what students should be learning every semester and every year? ( For example chemistry, algebra etc.) I believe a top priority for schools is to be able to show how significant the stuff they are learning really is, because usually students never get an answer to this and become discouraged. There are limits schools have that don't allow to change the entire curriculum every U.S. high school or allowing students to take only classes they would like.

With the second article i believe it is true that education does play a part in making society " prosperous" and more productive. The reason why we've had an economic crisis is because in high school we aren't taught how to open bank accounts, manage credit cards, pay off our debt, pay our bills etc. and so, many go into debt starting from entering college to possibly their retirement. In many countries they learn how to improve their society for the future while we mostly just live in the moment and just "patch" never fully fix something. But of course there are limits to what we can be taught and it brings up the argument been having for years of whether should having more life skills classes or core classes( like we have now.) But i think should have one life class to make it balanced, best of both worlds and it will allow students to have at least one class all will enjoy and learn things they won't question.

In third source ( tells the line we are always told from birth " go to school and get good grades, so you can get a good high - paying job." But the article says nowadays this " American Dream" is nearly impossible, because high - paying American jobs are going to begin disappearing. Which might make some say then why should i go to school if either way it will be hard to get a job much less a high - payed one. But article continues to say about how it has become more about the money. the numbers are what are most important than the loyal employee, causing for less employment. For those who get out of school expecting the better life only to face the fact that they are going to be unemployed for awhile. It also talks of the the need of more entrepreneurs who can create more real jobs. Its more about what you must expect after graduation, how maybe what we've always been told may not mean anything anymore if it won't actually guarantee a GOOD job.

In the last source it is of a teacher who believes “If you had an amazing teacher who was talented and passionate and given the freedom and support to teach well,” she said, “that was just 100 times more important than anything else.” The most important thing is not curriculum or the class size but the teacher, a teacher who actually cares and is passionate about their students. Reminded about when Ms. D came in and talked about how she liked to connect with students and she seemed like a teacher Ms. Kenny would like. And like our school, she didn't believe passing a standardized test made the student. She wants other things from her students; " I wanted them to be wholesome in character. I wanted them to be compassionate and to see life as a responsibility to give something to the world. I wanted them to have a sophisticated intellect. I wanted them to be avid readers, the kind of person who always has trouble putting a book down. And I raised them to be independent thinkers, to lead reflective and meaningful lives.” And from the success of her schools she must be doing something right, I also believe teacher plays a huge part in our education. If my teacher isn't passionate or enjoys teaching, it doesn't help my own learning process it makes me feel like why should it be important for me to learn if my teacher doesn't care or teaches poorly. It also says how in charter schools teachers can be fired for poor performance, which I thought went for all schools. But it should be known form beginning whether or not the teacher they are hiring fulfill the requirements Ms. Kenny has. At the same time isn't also important to have passionate students? Or does having a passionate teacher lead to that?

Monday, March 1, 2010

hw # 41

"Math and Reading Help." The Importance of High School. 2003 - 2010. Web. 4 Mar 2010.

It explains how important a high school diploma is, and how it will affect your life if you do or do not have it. Like job - wise, it is " a gateway to post - secondary education, better employment and a successful college experience. It gives evidence giving a percentage of number of jobs that require a type of education. ( 60 %!!)

Shows how society makes makes education seem the most neccessary "step" to a successful life or job. But when in reality there are many people in jobs they like and did not require full college affect. Then again there those who are not. so how do we make the decision of deciding if education is reall neccessary for a job or a "good" job?

Kolowich, Steve. "Tuition-free, online education? Try University of the People." (2/22/2010): 1. Web. 4 Mar 2010. .

Talks about how easy it is to attend college, that it acessible to any one with a internet connection. They ask questions like " How do you build quality programs without charging tuition? How effective would the project's peer-to-peer pedagogical model be in classrooms of students from vastly different cultural and educational traditions? Who would accredit such an operation at a time when the perceived value — even necessity — of a postsecondary education is ascendant in virtually every country?" In the end this way to get an education without leaving home but question is does it work?

Shows how society will do anything that is possible to get our generation and coming generation to follow the norm of society; must attend college to have the "good life" by using todays technology. Every single teen now own a computer and can access this new way to attend college, without the excuse of not having time for it, too far away, too expensive, etc. This supprts the idea of society trying to make us follow its norms and role of playing the student and getting an education.

"Expanding higher education can boost job chances for early school-leavers too." 18/09/2007. OECD, Web. 4 Mar 2010. .

Gives examples of how everywhere not just the U.S. students are deciding to recieve higher education (college) because of the reason that jobs are more attainable versus if you don't. just like the first article it gives percentages of how number people getting the jobs are those who choose to go to college.