Wednesday, January 20, 2010

HW #35

Flipping through magazines or looking around on streets, you see cool. Cool people, cool technology, cool trends, etc. But what is cool? The definition given by dictionary is “ The best way to say something is neat-o, awesome, or swell. The phrase "cool" is very relaxed, never goes out of style, and people will never laugh at you for using it, very convenient for people like me who don't care about what's "in." Cool can mean a lot of things, it can be the sense of lifestyle one lives, the way one looks or an object one wears. Even though everyone has a different idea of cool, it is created by the roles one plays day by day. These roles we play make us who we are and are shaped by all that surrounds us.

Every single person has a role they play and it usually changes depending whether at home, work or school. One might say role? Does that mean that my whole life is just play, it’s not real? No but we do fall into little scripts daily but it doesn’t necessarily mean the performances can’t be real. When I lost a friend and I cried and mourned for him, I played the role of the mourner or friend. But it didn’t mean my “script” was fake, because I really was upset and sad when he passed away.

One of the main things that shape the roles we play are our family and friends, starting from when we are born our parents raise us and try to impress the certain values, ideas and lifestyle upon us. And it affects our view on cool as well. We are all the products of our family and they are the product of their families (Andy). So we begin to create an identity that works in our home, for me it was being the “good girl”. Who didn’t throw a tantrum when my older brother would make me Robin, when really I wanted to be Batman, always ate table, definitely never put feet on table, etc. But my parents weren’t the only ones who influenced me in the scripts I began to play, my older brother also did. When I was little, he was like my idol, tried to listen to whatever he was listening to or play the videogames he would and try to be as good (sadly I never was).



  1. Michelle,

    Your saying that we create different identities for ourselves that aren't original but come from other sources.

    We are constantly performing these roles that are shaped by many different things in our lives. So we aren't ever truly ourselves. But are trying to impress others and live up to our audiences expectations of cool all the time. We have many different identities and we get to pick which ones we want to play on a daily basis. With whichever group of people we want to get the approval of.

  2. Coolness it a constant ideal we see scatter throughout our life's from magazines to TV to our own friends.It seems our life's our consumed by cool people, cool technology, cool trends. But what is cool really ,we calmer for i,t no we desire it but what is it? "Cool" is a essence, a attitude, a skill only portrayed by the very best actors,cool is eternal. Tho cool can be interpreted by everyone different , most would agree it is created by character plays everyday. These characters that our acted out on the stage of life give us our identity and our determined by our surrounding
