Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hw # 51 - NOT DONE.. ALmost

They hurt you at home and they hit you at school,

They hate you if you're clever and they despise a fool,

Till you're so fucking crazy you can't follow their rules,

A working class hero is something to be,

A working class hero is something to be.

- John Lennon

When I think of school, I see a classroom full of students and a teacher, I see my “future” all depending on this word education. Ever since I was born I was taught that we (my siblings and I) must go to school to succeed in life and one day be able to go to college. We come into school knowing "nothing" to be taught and educated until high school and then we decide whether or not we continue on to college. But even then our culture gives more to those who follow this path of education because in the end we receive a better and high paid job. Is this a trick to keep us locked in this prison we call school? Or as John Lennon would say to just become part of the working class?

Teachers from pre –k to high school teach us how to be disciplined, to not question authority and adapt to the content given. Is this fair? Nope but who’s to stop this way of educating that has been happening for many many years. One is taught to stay in the class we are designated and if we need to use bathroom or want a drink of water, one must ask for permission and a pass. And for students these moments are our few minutes of privacy. Which might be the reason why students leave the class several times a day, because sometimes class can seem never ending. We learn to become depositories, just being filled with information that holds no meaning or significance. Like to find x – intercepts use the quadratic Formula or the Civil War began April 12, 1861, but why is algebra important to me? Or how much significance does the Civil war hold in my life? That we as students just accept our ignorance and allow teachers to teach us without knowing that we as well teach our own teachers. We just receive it and memorize making us more intelligent and "better" student to teachers.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Hw # 50

Freire talks about what a teacher does, he/she must teach those (students)who know nothing. Teachers discipline while students are disciplined, the teacher chooses the curriculum,while the students who have no say about it just adapt to it, etc... Freire creates this whole list of basic things a teacher does. The teacher must "fill" students with information and the more they fill the students completely, the better the teacher is. And the more the students allow themselves to filled, the better the student is. When he/she is teaching "the teacher talks about reality as if it were motionless, static, compartmentalized, and predictable." They just say words and information with no actual meaning or significance. Like four times four is sixteen or the capital of Para is Belem and students then just record, memorize and repeat without finding out what 4 times 4 is sixteen really means or the significance of "capital" Freire says that because of this education is an act of depositing, teacher's are like depositors while students are depositories. He calls this " banking" education in which students can only receive, file and store the deposits given by teachers.That we as students just accept our ignorance and allow teachers to teach us without knowing that we as well teach our own teachers. He says this serves the purpose of the oppressors because the more we "fit" into this world, the less we question it.

Freire seems to have a negative view on education but there are many things he says that I find true, being someone who has been sent to school to be educated my whole life. For example, we come into school knowing "nothing" to be taught and educated until high school and then we decide whether or not we continue on to college. But even then our culture gives more to those who follow this path of education because in the end we receive a better and high payed job. We also learn to be disciplined by the teachers and learn the "rules" society has. We are constantly filled with knowledge that we have no say in or much understanding of. We just receive it and memorize making the more intelligent and "better" student. But why must we be graded on how much we memorize, does that really determine how smart or educated a person is? And are we really as ignorant as we are made to believe? Friere also talks of oppressors, in which education serves them because we begin to "fit" in the world already made and do not question it. But who are these oppressors? the teachers? government?

Copeland came into our class for a bit, he talked about how being a teacher doesn't mean you stop learning after get your degree, one must constantly become more educated, by reading newspapers, watching news, etc. He also spoke of how he wanted to inform his students about oppressed people's struggles and show how many of those oppressed groups connect and share common goals. A student questioned him why must he must learn more if he had learned everything he needed to know and teach in college. Copeland answered by saying that everyday there are new events, occurrences, etc and i must inform myself to better teach students. Someone else asked him if he believed in the Super - teacher figure, but he said no, absolutely not that it was just a movie. We drifted a bit and spoke of music and he said music makes you more of a whole person no matter what type of music you listen to.

I thought it was interesting how he said he felt like he was learning everyday, usually teachers don't say this. And it made him a teacher who did care about the education he was giving his students. The more he learned, the more he could teach his students and even connect current events to those of in the past. What he said he taught in class wasn't what is usually taught in a regular history class, the most you learn about is the groups being oppressed and then move on to next unit. He made it seem like he tried to show how different oppressed groups connect and maybe connect to one.

Ms. D also came into our class to be interviewed and talked about how she first began working not as a teacher but in filming and then in a non - profit organization. But she didn't seem to enjoy it, and realized she liked working with teens more than younger kids, because she could create a bond or connection with teens . She didn't see herself as filmmaker or anything else, because she didn't have a vision she thought the world needed to see. But at the same time she said it was hard to create that connection as a teacher because there was a certain line she couldn't"t cross in a student and teacher relationship. And could only create this connection if the student allowed her to and didn't have a problem sharing their personal life.

It was nice to hear once that teacher honestly cared about her students and didn't only want to teach them but create a connection with her students. Making a student feel comfortable and have the choice to talk to a teacher about something other than schoolwork. And for some people who don't have anyone to talk to at home or else where is pretty great. And she saw she could do more as a teacher with students than if she would've gone into school policy. And unlike her before jobs, i think she was more satisfied and happy with her students at the end of a long day.

Gatto gives six lessons the teacher should know, # 1 stay in class where you belong, he says he doesn't know why his students must endure being locked together but he must enforce the rule. Like a prison cell and can not leave until the class is over. # 2 we must turn our light on and off, meaning our brain in every class must turn it on and understand math then turn it off when class is over and enter another class and must turn on again. Making it impossible to ever finish fully learning something in a class. # 3 is basically to teach students to allow themselves to be controlled and like a slave or prisoner we need a pass to leave to go to bathroom for a few minutes of freedom. #4 is only teacher determines the curriculum, the students have no say about it. This is when being labeled as good or bad kid is determined, the less student fights against the task and shows enthusiasm = good kid, if they fight and don' t do task then they are labeled as the bad kid. # 5 teachers must always evaluate and judge student, through tests, grades, and report cards. Allowing others to judge them as well through this evaluation like parents, fellow students and one day colleges. # 6 is student is always being watched through whole entire class, they have no private time. Students are even encouraged to "tattle" on other students. This surveillance even goes home where must do homework.

Gatto makes these lesson like the bible for teachers, and everything he said teachers must do is true. For example # 1 we as students must stay in class at certain time and place, we can not just enter whichever class we want. Is it because there will be chaos or because the teachers would rather have authority over this? #2 is definitely correct, I do feel like every time i enter class must automatically learn and remember things that are being taught in a certain class for example math and then turn the "switch" off and enter my science class to once again turn it back on something totally different. For his third lesson he talks of how we must get a pass to go to bathroom, but why must we have a pass to pee?! or be 5 minutes late to class? Will those five minutes really impact my learning? His fifth lesson I really connected with this year, because for me this is the year that counts for the colleges, I will have the possibility to enter depending on the evaluation my teachers give me. But why must someone determine my capacity or intelligence with just a letter? A? F? His last lesson #6 is how we are always being watched by our teachers even with the homework we are given everyday. When I could be learning something other than what I learn in class, something more meaningful and productive.
Delpit in silenced dialogue speaks about how those who do not come into school knowing certain content or skills are placed in remedial classes as if they weren't capable of "critical and higher-order thinking and reasoning." She says that instead of doing this they should not separate children because of different family background but to have strategies for all the children. She also talks about " cultural power" and codes some have versus others, those she says don't have these is the non - white and poor students/families. That schools don' t realize the reason why they are not taught these certain things is because kids are instead being taught by their families how to live and learn the codes of their own life and community. She continues to give a list of what her theory of " cultural power" is. For example, how much power education has, because schooling determines the job and status a person will have in the future.

I noticed she seemed to put all culture groups that weren't Caucasian or wealthy together, and how they seemed to be the ones who had trouble knowing the codes and content many of the other kids come in knowing. Is this really true? I find myself wondering why this is, but then she talks about how its because one is taught other things to fit in our community. And that when we become part of school community, it is something alien to one who is not white or wealthy. I am still not convinced that all Caucasian come in knowing content or that none of those who are non - white don't come in knowing some or all content. And the solution she seems to give for this is pretty absurd, how can teacher figure out a strategy that will be good for EVERY single student? When she talks of codes it reminded me of a lecture in my college class where we talked about how many of the kids in bad neighborhoods sometimes escape by getting jobs during summer but that at these jobs they learn the codes of another culture outside of theirs. And I think these are the codes she says many of those non- white and poor kids don't come in knowing, and I agree sometimes it is because they are not given the chance to learn these codes, but it doesn't make them less intelligent than the ones who do know these codes.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hw #49

My section didn't successfully complete the film because tape was lost or didn't work, but we planned to have Victor be the " Bully" and Brandon being the kid being bullied even though this has nothing to do with the Super Teacher movies (Victor just wanted his few minutes of fame) and then it would transition into scene where Teacher would try to get through to Victor and try to make that connection with him. He would then have a conflict with class trying to get their attention, while my class would be talking or texting or just goofing off completely ignoring him. Then he would hand out pieces of paper ( Not Notebooks) to write something personal on, and then Victor confronted him and said " Are you trying to the Freedom Writer's shit, cuz I saw that movie and I'm not going to fall for that." And students either write bad comments or made paper airplanes. In the end teacher can't succeed in being the savior, because they already knew all the things he would try to do having seen all the super teacher movies.

In in the end I was supposed to edit video, but it was lost or something. But the message we wanted for our video was clear, we didn't want to be like those other students who never dealt with a " Super teacher" but know movies at the back of our hand that we could easily call out the teacher for trying some of their techniques or attempts. And have teacher fail miserably at being our savior because realistically you can't get through to students from one day to another or make them understand that they all somehow connect no matter background, race, gender, etc. Also wanted to show the whole idea of having a "savior" as a joke because why must teenagers be presented in these films as savages that need saving? When in reality this is not true, what exactly do we need to be saved from? ourselves? or school? The tone of our movie was same as most of scenes of Super teacher films but instead of at the end having piano and violins playing when teacher finally gets through to students, I probably would've played some rap or heavy rock song to show the tone as being harsh because the teacher failed instead. The tone was also very dramatic when it came to the scene with class conflict and confrontation between teacher and student and the chaos the class was making because we don't truly act this way in any class or else the teacher everyday would be dialing 555(or whatever the number is for security)

Our film compared to teacher films like I mentioned before failed in getting through to students no matter what tricks he tried to use from Super teacher films, because we knew them all and " weren't going to fall for it." We like Super teacher films represented my age group, as kids with no respect or no "discipline" or not smart or involved in drugs and so much more. Why must movies represent us teenagers this way? When in reality, we may sometimes be a little disruptive but not to the point where we all turn a class into a free period. And if this has ever happened the possibility is very rare. I also don't believe the fault is only of the students but also of teachers who expect that they can teach us to be easily controlled and easily manipulated to learn a certain curriculum. We also incorporated the scene from Freedom writers where teacher hand out notebooks telling students to write things about their personal lives and only if they wanted be read by her. But unlike this film we just crumpled up the paper or made paper airplane, because we had no interest in sharing our lives just to get a "connection" with teacher and finally have our attention.

I believe not all teachers believe in themselves as saviors but there are a few, that will do anything to create that connection between student and teacher without crossing the line. Allowing the teacher to be able to change or impact their lives. Maybe the teachers that believes this is because of how culture shows how much influence a teacher has on students and the responsibility they have to be able to teach them the required needed to move to next grade. And how satisfied and important they will feel at accomplishing this, that they have changed one's life.

I also watched the video of the class with Will playing teacher and I saw how both of our classes had the same message of how in the end, even though Will confronted students and told them how it was. When he was done with his drunken rant and left, the class went back to it's usual disruptive self from beginning of film. Showing how even through his confrontation with students, he still hadn't gotten through to the students and did not change the class's tone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Extra Credit - THE CLASS

The film The Class was definitely different from most Super - teacher movies because for once the teacher as what happens in real - life can't get through to every single student of his/her class. For example Souleymane, I do not hold teacher responsible for what happened to Soulymane because in the end it wasn't teacher's decision to expel him but the other staff and principle's decision to go ahead with it. The teacher did try to get through to Souleymane by meeting his parent's or praising him for his Self - portrait and for a brief second it seemed to work. But his violent behavior and arguments with teacher's didn't seem to stop until one day he exploded and hurt a student (by accident), leading to his hearing to decide whether or not he will be expelled. Teacher tried to change the other staff's mind telling them how he'd be sent back to Mali if he was expelled, but they didn't care. I did think this was a little too harsh for Souleymane's actions, i don't ever recall them suspending him or trying to find out what was making him so angry and upset in class first, they just immediately held a hearing for his expulsion, he was just going to become part of the many that had been expelled. ( 12)

14 - 15 years old are morally responsible for their actions because they are the one's who decide in the end whether or not what they do is right or not, even if they are being influenced by classmates. For example Carl did change, he changed his "attitude" while Souleymane did not. But at the same time teachers and principal during a meeting about students and their grades kept repeating the word attitude and behavior of a student which determined their grade not their actual work, " if only he changed his attitude in class.." they might say. Why must that determine their grade? and why did they want all their students to always be silent and silent and perfect? The way they talked about students though reminded me of Blackboard jungle because they talked about how students were in the yard, like if animals not people.

I believe a teacher is morally responsible for finding a solution to the institutional car wreck that they're steering their class through like Mr. Marlin tried to and did succeed with some like Khoumba and Carl. They can't just turn a blind eye like most of the other teachers wanted to do, then why be a teacher? All the other teachers would complain about students calling them names and saying they didn't care anymore if they learned or not. Which might explain why the girl in the end told Mr.Marlin she hadn't learned a thing the entire year and she didn't seem to be a rebel or troublemaker, she just simply was not taught or given the extra help to understand classwork. Making this girl tell him she did not want to go to vocational school because she didn't want to be the only one who knew nothing, which seems to be the reason many give up going to college. They also turned a blind eye on the fact Souleymane would be sent back to Mali where he would have no future and be working for the rest of his life, nut when they were told of this one teacher put it as many get threatened by parents so why should it be true? Or it shouldn't affect the decision with student's personal life but his actions. But how can you possibly sent a child to a life of work and misfortune because of a decision one makes? This is why I think it should be seen as both systematic issue and an individual moral issue, because they just see it as a systematic they can hurt children's future and if they also see it as a individual moral issue they can see why the child is acting the way they are.

The Class and SOF compare in the grading system because in my history class and in the French school it is 1 - 10 grade instead of percentage. Another similarity between Mr.Marlin's class and my history class is both have class representatives that let teacher know classes thoughts, views or questions. The way they have parent's come in to meet teacher's and the way parent's talk about their child as the best. Maybe not necessarily just SOF but how teachers are quick to judge student's behavior as the "bad" students versus the good ones, letting that affect their judgement of them, their grades and disciplinary action.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hw # 48

Classroom full of teens watching two kids have rap - battle, some look on with awe or some with disgust. THEN all of a sudden someone opens the door and a strong gust of wind comes in. And at the door is a man dressed in a cape and tights, a HERO. But students look a each other and think hero's don't exist. ( Seemed to believe in Santa Claus when younger, why not a hero?) And then one kid bursts out laughing and soon enough the whole class was as well. But this did not shame this unknown hero, he walked to his desk and set down his man - bag and sat down. The whole class continued its loud banter.

Hero looks around and snaps his ruler on desk three times, the students stop what they' re doing not because he wanted their attention but because they wanted to see what this strange man was going to do. He smiles and looks around class and begins to talk about what it meant to be hero, having influence others, passion, helping those in need, etc. But after a while kids lost interest, some took naps while others pulled out cellphones to text their GF/BF or mom. But this didn't stop him, he thought to himself "one man can change the world... right now a class." He played itunes and instantly a beautiful woman in a red dress came in. Hero curtsied and began to dance with her, tango. Students looked on with interest because of dancing or of the woman.

He began to get through to them, slowly everyday. they would come in everyday to excited to learn dance moves, the guys mostly to dance with the girls. But they seemed to be learning something for once. One day he stopped the dancing and began his speech" this will transcend to your life outside the dance floor, you have learned to work with other, to learn to go with others pace, to communicate with partner, to be a leader and to be a follower. So much that will help you live your daily lives. Like the lessons you can learn from being a hero." Students applauded and teacher smiled he had finally reached his students.

I know my story is a little all over the the place but i tried to make it different but with same idea the "Super Teacher." Also had influence from the movie "Take the Lead" with Antonio Banderas which story about him coming into a "bad" school and changing their lives with ballroom dancing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hw # 47

1. New Teacher comes to change and make class "better" and making a huge impact on their lives...

2. Scene where teacher finally gets through to students. Background music violins and piano

3. Students dialogue and speech should be different then the teacher's, then teacher tries to follow their "codes"

4. Scene where class is out of control and don't pay any attention to teacher, people are in cliques or with friends, loud music and possibly a random dance - off or rap battle or something.

5. Back and forth argument between student and teacher

6. Teacher not directly answering or not at all a students question or argument, but rather talk about something us.

7. Tape on floor scene where student see they have things in common and can even be friends. Act it out and exaggerate the tone of room before and after this is done.

8.Maybe exaggerate everything to make comedic like teacher being a "savior" can come in a cape thinking hero and will change them or showing teenagers as actual as savages like Black board jungle movie did.

Hw # 46

The book I read was " We are Americans by William Perez, Perez tells the stories of twenty teens who immigrate to come to America for the " American Dream" to graduate high school and go to college. But after they graduate high school they hit a wall because they can not get a job legally or receive financial aid for college. One girl talks about how this happened to her and what it was like for her knowing she didn't really fit in because she wasn't American.These 20 teens are only some of the 65,000 that this happens to every year.

My topic is what people, teens or their families do in order to recieve a good education. The way this connects to my topic is it shows an example of what people do for education. How teens or their parents leave their native country for them to recieve a better education. But it also shows how hard it still is for some of them to attend college and accomplish goals or just achieve more once they arrive.

Book shows just one example what people do in order to get a good edacution, some leave their native countries coming from all around the world to come to U.S. to get an education, some work double shift or 2 jobs in order to pay college tuiton, some attend community college to be able to attend a regular college or university, some balance their school life and work life, some learn a complete other language, some stress about grades constantly, etc. While there are those who are born in U.S. and have parents who can pay for their college but take it for granted or just take another road, starting to work. (not that this wrong path) But at the same time there are teens who will do anything in order to attend college or get that better education that will lead to the better life.