Friday, April 23, 2010

Hw #49

My section didn't successfully complete the film because tape was lost or didn't work, but we planned to have Victor be the " Bully" and Brandon being the kid being bullied even though this has nothing to do with the Super Teacher movies (Victor just wanted his few minutes of fame) and then it would transition into scene where Teacher would try to get through to Victor and try to make that connection with him. He would then have a conflict with class trying to get their attention, while my class would be talking or texting or just goofing off completely ignoring him. Then he would hand out pieces of paper ( Not Notebooks) to write something personal on, and then Victor confronted him and said " Are you trying to the Freedom Writer's shit, cuz I saw that movie and I'm not going to fall for that." And students either write bad comments or made paper airplanes. In the end teacher can't succeed in being the savior, because they already knew all the things he would try to do having seen all the super teacher movies.

In in the end I was supposed to edit video, but it was lost or something. But the message we wanted for our video was clear, we didn't want to be like those other students who never dealt with a " Super teacher" but know movies at the back of our hand that we could easily call out the teacher for trying some of their techniques or attempts. And have teacher fail miserably at being our savior because realistically you can't get through to students from one day to another or make them understand that they all somehow connect no matter background, race, gender, etc. Also wanted to show the whole idea of having a "savior" as a joke because why must teenagers be presented in these films as savages that need saving? When in reality this is not true, what exactly do we need to be saved from? ourselves? or school? The tone of our movie was same as most of scenes of Super teacher films but instead of at the end having piano and violins playing when teacher finally gets through to students, I probably would've played some rap or heavy rock song to show the tone as being harsh because the teacher failed instead. The tone was also very dramatic when it came to the scene with class conflict and confrontation between teacher and student and the chaos the class was making because we don't truly act this way in any class or else the teacher everyday would be dialing 555(or whatever the number is for security)

Our film compared to teacher films like I mentioned before failed in getting through to students no matter what tricks he tried to use from Super teacher films, because we knew them all and " weren't going to fall for it." We like Super teacher films represented my age group, as kids with no respect or no "discipline" or not smart or involved in drugs and so much more. Why must movies represent us teenagers this way? When in reality, we may sometimes be a little disruptive but not to the point where we all turn a class into a free period. And if this has ever happened the possibility is very rare. I also don't believe the fault is only of the students but also of teachers who expect that they can teach us to be easily controlled and easily manipulated to learn a certain curriculum. We also incorporated the scene from Freedom writers where teacher hand out notebooks telling students to write things about their personal lives and only if they wanted be read by her. But unlike this film we just crumpled up the paper or made paper airplane, because we had no interest in sharing our lives just to get a "connection" with teacher and finally have our attention.

I believe not all teachers believe in themselves as saviors but there are a few, that will do anything to create that connection between student and teacher without crossing the line. Allowing the teacher to be able to change or impact their lives. Maybe the teachers that believes this is because of how culture shows how much influence a teacher has on students and the responsibility they have to be able to teach them the required needed to move to next grade. And how satisfied and important they will feel at accomplishing this, that they have changed one's life.

I also watched the video of the class with Will playing teacher and I saw how both of our classes had the same message of how in the end, even though Will confronted students and told them how it was. When he was done with his drunken rant and left, the class went back to it's usual disruptive self from beginning of film. Showing how even through his confrontation with students, he still hadn't gotten through to the students and did not change the class's tone.

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