Wednesday, September 16, 2009


1st HW

These topics like IMing, texting, Facebook, etc makes me think of how it has become part of modern day culture, and that it helps us keep track with our friends and the world . It is also shows how social you are for example someone might go on facebook once a month versus the person who twitters and texts everyday who is more social? People are now seen as abnormal if don't have an email or phone because practically everyone in the world has one. All this digital/ electronic media shows how we have become more advanced but I believe that there is still much more to be discovered and and advance in.
I personally don't go computer much, maybe like twice a week or less but it's scary to realize how dependent we have become on the digital/ electronic media. I mean I'm not complaining but when you look how at people like maybe our parents or their parents used to live without all this technology, you wonder how they survived. When look at modern - day culture, the amount of time teenagers and adults spend on the computer, HDTV and video games is a lot. But for us it's normal because it has become part of our culture now.
What's good about the digital/ electronic media is it helps stay connected with the world, learn what's happening in school, neighborhood or country . It also allows us to communicate with others like friends or just meet other people. HDTV and Video games helps us get away from reality for a while. Also this technology helps us connect with other people because everyone in the world has become so involved in it. The bad thing about it is how we have become so dependent on it. How also facebook, twitter and Iming can sometimes become our priority and can take over our lives because it can be addictive . This sometimes make people feel distant and in another world. Also people have become lazy because would rather communicate through texting or twittering than face to face.


  1. I agree with you digital/ electronic help us learn about other things but at the same time they hold us back. I also believe that we have not seen anything yet.I think that in the next 15 years people will not know how to live with out digital/ electronic things.

    In your blog you talked about the good and the bads which seem to come up in a lot of peoples, but you really showed how it is good and bad.

    I connect with you on not going on the internet or computer a lot. To go on these things you have to have to have mad friends on facebook or myspace and if you don't it makes no point to go on.

    I think that your blog was really good.

    When reading your blog i saw that when talking about digital/ electronic you jumped right to computers. Why do you and a lot of people jump to computers?

    Keep up the good job

  2. I enjoyed the part where you asked yourself the question of who has a bigger social life, the one who has less time for computers, or the one whos always on communicating with people. I agree with your main idea that whether or not someone even owns a computer at home they still get into the whole IMing or FACEBOOK scene. it seems like electronics and digital media has just turned into the latest fad and competition for our generation. Your style of imagery was perfect becasue i liked your opinionm based on the feelings our parents and theyre parents must have gone through not being able to witness or tamper with the things we do today, because immediately the first thing that came to my mind was the blackout a coupl years ago. Immediately my buildings first reaction was to gather together, like a group of lost tourists, and set up a terrible generator that ran into a tv with barely any channels. i suppose in the end it wouldnt hurt to expand your passage and explore into both sides of the "versus" argument that you had.


    Hey thanks for actually reading it thoroughly can tell you really read it. When you said I jumped right to computers when talking about digital media which helped because it made me realize I could've talked about more about maybe our phones,ipods or video games. Like for example how people constantly listen to ipod everywhere they go. the good of this is when your really bored it can be distracting and enjoying. But it creates a shield because it's saying you'd rather be listening to music than having an actually conversation.
    You say I that in the next 15 years people will not know how to live with out digital/ electronic things which i agree with. Because i say there is still much more to advance in and discover , which will lead to even more dependency on the digital media.
    We both have great points on how good and bad digital media can be but saw we also stick more to talking about computers. I wonder what you think of how other technology affects us like ipods or TV.


    Thanks for restating what I said in your comment because it showed how you truly read and understood my blog. When you said I should expand my passage and explore both sides of the argument, i immediately reread my blog and realized that I spoke more of how digital media is bad than good which was helpful. Because I don't want people to believe I only think the digital media is bad. It isn't, it has a lot of good sides to it like communication, knowledge , etc.

    We both agree that digital media has both positives and negatives but I wonder if it has more positives than negatives or vice versa?
