Thursday, December 31, 2009

HW 31

Part A:

Interviewed friend Liz:

What methods in school or at home do you use to be cool or play a certain role?

In school I act differently than I do at home, the respect towards the adults remaines the same

But how do you act differently? Do you dress a certain way? Try to have latest trendy things? Do you act certain way with friends?

I feel that I am more outgoing with my friends and can express my self more than i can at home because there are certain rules to follow...I dont really follow all the "latest trends" but I do get what I like.

Do you think your going to get another piercing or a tatto anytime soon?

Maybe, but I'm still thinking about it.

what role do u tink you play in school the beauty, jock, loner, good student, jokester or rebel etc?

If i really did have to put a lable on myself i guess it would be the jokerster...

Part B:
Scripts I play to feel important or to aggrandize myself are definitely staying on trend. I like having the latest technology and the clothes that are cool or what I think is. It's a role I play and I'm not going to lie, its nice when someone tells you look good that day or they like what your wearing. But like most roles we play, we have to keep it up and try not to fail it. If we do, it pretty much sucks because you no longer feel like your living a meaningful life depending on what script you are playing. The same goes to being seen as the good student, the one that pays attention and does their work. They're roles we must maintain, you can't just start slacking or you lose the role just like in a play. Another is being the good daughter, the one who will finish high school and of course college to have a good and maybe happy life and study something that gets me good job and pay, to have the better life.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Advertising to young people i believe shouldn't be banned because even if it is banned people would try to still advertise to teenagers and the young will still look to the media for what the next "big thing" is. i think I'd also be impossible to ban advertising for teenagers if we get ads from everywhere from our TV to ads in the streets. What are they going to do close our eyes while we're walking in like times square. We are too accustomed to digital part in our lives that banning ads would probably make people go crazy, especially if we see 10,00 a day. Corporations will just try to find another way to get teens into what is cool at the moment to sell their merchandise.

Adults say that we are the most consumers but is it really our fault if it's the same adults that advertise to us merchandise that we would want and buy. But we aren't the only ones they target and the movie doesn't show this, they also get other adults to buy what is cool and what the young is into so they can be just as cool.In the movie they even show teenagers themselves being paid to help corporations sell merchandise and what do these kids do with the money.... buy stuff they are being merchandised, seem kind of like a never ending circle.

What would banning do to stop advertising when we are like walking advertisements, teens,celebs everyone because we wear brand names, the trends and merchandise. the hottest trends and merchandise comes and goes so fast nowadays that teenagers find it easier to find what is cool. In a way that's good for us teenagers because we can stay cool but we get tired of it and want to be unique somehow. Do ads make us conform more to what is cool? i think they do especially if it is "made" for us. I think banning it completely wouldn't work and banning ads won't stop us from trying to be cool it'll just be harder to know what cool is. At the same time what is cool really?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hw# 28 - Informal research

"week in review." The New York Times. 27 Nov 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

This article talks about how he belives cool is "dead" because of how trends appear and die too quickly for them to become part of being cool. He says "here are so many cultural trends today that the distinction between cool and uncool doesn’t matter anymore. We’re all hipsters now."He continues to talk about how easy it is to acess what is cool that everything is up to date and " new."

I don't agree because it's cool can't ever be dead, it's just so much faster than our parents generations due to how easy it is for corporation's to access us via internet what is hot right now and "cool" But his idea of how acessible it is to find what is new and cool is true because while we continue to advance more technologically we seem to also find what "cool" is or at least what society tell us.

"The Cool Test." Nerdtests user tests. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

this website has tests people can take like are you a nerd or popular or the COOL test. They ask questions and your answers determine whether your cool or not. Like do you wear glasses or not? or have you said yo mama in the past 24 hrs? These tests are out of 100% and the higher you get the cooler you are.

I thought this website was funny because they tell us whether we are cool or not but why does this test determine whether or not you are really cool. I wonder if people actually take these tests to know if they are cool or not and if they let it decide if they are or not. this website also down on you being less cool if you are smart, so this is another way that makes us cool or not according to this website.

"How to be cool." Alan Who? " The thoughts of a cool guy.". 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009.

This article is a list of 20 things you need to know about cool an example of one is " 5. The only brand you advertise is your own. You wear simple but stylish clothing free from corporate logo's or slogans. You advertise brands like Nike on the shirt you are wearing or Levi on your jeans." He explains it to the way you talk, walk and look to be cool.

Many of the things he talks about connected to what we had talked in class like the brand thing about how wearing it to show off is seen as cool for some while others like Alan Who believe that wearing non - brand clothes is cooler. But how does this man know if these 20 things is really going to make one cool if veryone views what cool is differently?

checked out: because they show what celebrities are wearing and tell you where to get exactly or something like they are wearing. which how helps people saty on trend and be as cool as one of their favorite celebs. actually gives the definition of cool but does it really have one?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hw # 27

Interviews with strangers:

Kathy -

Who do you think is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Beyonce because she's worked with everybody and so many different ethnicities.

Were you cool in high school?

No, i was into sports and was on the math team.

What is your definition of cool?

Honest and foward, down to earth and don't care what others think. And have an open mind to anything you want to do.

Who is the coolest person you know and why?

My mom, raised us kids

Missy -

Who is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Rihanna because she's been through a lot more and Beyonce seems superficial.

Were you cool in high school?

Not cool, was like in the middle.

What makes someone cool?

originality and can pull it off

Who do you think is cool and why?

All my friends are cool somehow