Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hw # 27

Interviews with strangers:

Kathy -

Who do you think is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Beyonce because she's worked with everybody and so many different ethnicities.

Were you cool in high school?

No, i was into sports and was on the math team.

What is your definition of cool?

Honest and foward, down to earth and don't care what others think. And have an open mind to anything you want to do.

Who is the coolest person you know and why?

My mom, raised us kids

Missy -

Who is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Rihanna because she's been through a lot more and Beyonce seems superficial.

Were you cool in high school?

Not cool, was like in the middle.

What makes someone cool?

originality and can pull it off

Who do you think is cool and why?

All my friends are cool somehow

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