Monday, December 14, 2009


Advertising to young people i believe shouldn't be banned because even if it is banned people would try to still advertise to teenagers and the young will still look to the media for what the next "big thing" is. i think I'd also be impossible to ban advertising for teenagers if we get ads from everywhere from our TV to ads in the streets. What are they going to do close our eyes while we're walking in like times square. We are too accustomed to digital part in our lives that banning ads would probably make people go crazy, especially if we see 10,00 a day. Corporations will just try to find another way to get teens into what is cool at the moment to sell their merchandise.

Adults say that we are the most consumers but is it really our fault if it's the same adults that advertise to us merchandise that we would want and buy. But we aren't the only ones they target and the movie doesn't show this, they also get other adults to buy what is cool and what the young is into so they can be just as cool.In the movie they even show teenagers themselves being paid to help corporations sell merchandise and what do these kids do with the money.... buy stuff they are being merchandised, seem kind of like a never ending circle.

What would banning do to stop advertising when we are like walking advertisements, teens,celebs everyone because we wear brand names, the trends and merchandise. the hottest trends and merchandise comes and goes so fast nowadays that teenagers find it easier to find what is cool. In a way that's good for us teenagers because we can stay cool but we get tired of it and want to be unique somehow. Do ads make us conform more to what is cool? i think they do especially if it is "made" for us. I think banning it completely wouldn't work and banning ads won't stop us from trying to be cool it'll just be harder to know what cool is. At the same time what is cool really?

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