Thursday, December 31, 2009

HW 31

Part A:

Interviewed friend Liz:

What methods in school or at home do you use to be cool or play a certain role?

In school I act differently than I do at home, the respect towards the adults remaines the same

But how do you act differently? Do you dress a certain way? Try to have latest trendy things? Do you act certain way with friends?

I feel that I am more outgoing with my friends and can express my self more than i can at home because there are certain rules to follow...I dont really follow all the "latest trends" but I do get what I like.

Do you think your going to get another piercing or a tatto anytime soon?

Maybe, but I'm still thinking about it.

what role do u tink you play in school the beauty, jock, loner, good student, jokester or rebel etc?

If i really did have to put a lable on myself i guess it would be the jokerster...

Part B:
Scripts I play to feel important or to aggrandize myself are definitely staying on trend. I like having the latest technology and the clothes that are cool or what I think is. It's a role I play and I'm not going to lie, its nice when someone tells you look good that day or they like what your wearing. But like most roles we play, we have to keep it up and try not to fail it. If we do, it pretty much sucks because you no longer feel like your living a meaningful life depending on what script you are playing. The same goes to being seen as the good student, the one that pays attention and does their work. They're roles we must maintain, you can't just start slacking or you lose the role just like in a play. Another is being the good daughter, the one who will finish high school and of course college to have a good and maybe happy life and study something that gets me good job and pay, to have the better life.

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