Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hw# 28 - Informal research

"week in review." The New York Times. 27 Nov 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

This article talks about how he belives cool is "dead" because of how trends appear and die too quickly for them to become part of being cool. He says "here are so many cultural trends today that the distinction between cool and uncool doesn’t matter anymore. We’re all hipsters now."He continues to talk about how easy it is to acess what is cool that everything is up to date and " new."

I don't agree because it's cool can't ever be dead, it's just so much faster than our parents generations due to how easy it is for corporation's to access us via internet what is hot right now and "cool" But his idea of how acessible it is to find what is new and cool is true because while we continue to advance more technologically we seem to also find what "cool" is or at least what society tell us.

"The Cool Test." Nerdtests user tests. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

this website has tests people can take like are you a nerd or popular or the COOL test. They ask questions and your answers determine whether your cool or not. Like do you wear glasses or not? or have you said yo mama in the past 24 hrs? These tests are out of 100% and the higher you get the cooler you are.

I thought this website was funny because they tell us whether we are cool or not but why does this test determine whether or not you are really cool. I wonder if people actually take these tests to know if they are cool or not and if they let it decide if they are or not. this website also down on you being less cool if you are smart, so this is another way that makes us cool or not according to this website.

"How to be cool." Alan Who? " The thoughts of a cool guy.". 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009.

This article is a list of 20 things you need to know about cool an example of one is " 5. The only brand you advertise is your own. You wear simple but stylish clothing free from corporate logo's or slogans. You advertise brands like Nike on the shirt you are wearing or Levi on your jeans." He explains it to the way you talk, walk and look to be cool.

Many of the things he talks about connected to what we had talked in class like the brand thing about how wearing it to show off is seen as cool for some while others like Alan Who believe that wearing non - brand clothes is cooler. But how does this man know if these 20 things is really going to make one cool if veryone views what cool is differently?

checked out: because they show what celebrities are wearing and tell you where to get exactly or something like they are wearing. which how helps people saty on trend and be as cool as one of their favorite celebs. actually gives the definition of cool but does it really have one?

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