Monday, October 5, 2009

Hw # 10


This website focuses on polls that ask questions about people's views on digital media, I focus on the question " Would you buy an Apple computer in order to avoid adware and spyware problems??there are many other polls and it gives you the percent of people who say yes or no.

What I found was interesting was the percentage of people that would say yes or no, for example the question I focused on more people actually say yes. When I personally would've said no but i think the real reason people said yes was because they just want to seen better in society with having the latest computer. Why can't a PC provide all this versus a Mac?? Why do people see them as the best computers?? Are they??


This is the movie where in the future you get to lie around in your pajamas all day, while your perfect surrogate self, a cyborg that will do everything for you. You strap on the headset and make your cyborg go to work, scrub the toilet, take out the trash, etc. I talked about it before on the blog.

I found this movie really interesting because it connected to what we would talk about in class of how slowly is taking up our lives whether we think it is good or bad. and in this movie it basically how in the future we let technology take over our lives completely, it's a very extreme idea but i wonder if it will happen, if it will even be possible?

3. New York Times -Technology

This article talks of how " the federal government plans to ban text messaging by bus drivers and truckers who travel across state lines, and may also preclude them from using cellphones while driving, except in emergencies." ( They also want to introduce a legislation to force states to ban texting while driving or lose federal highway funds.

This was the most interesting topic of all three because not only do we have bans on being on cellphones while driving but also want to ban text messaging now. I think also it'd be pretty interesting topic to talk in class to see what classmates think, do we need a ban on text messaging or are they just blowing the situation up? There is also even a graphic video where driver with a few passengers get in a car accident because driver was text messaging which connects to this article. i personally if it really is causing a lot of deaths then maybe we should ban it , why can't people just wait when get out of car to text or ask someone in car to text it for you if it's an emergency. Also saw in the news lately that this kid was sent to jail because he texted while driving and killed a father and daughter in the other car it crashed into. So does this show we have become too addictive to digital media that we can't even stop while driving? Or is this just a situation that is being blown up??

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