Monday, October 26, 2009

Hw # 15 - Comments

To: Matt B.

I liked your blog post, even made me understand stuff i hadn't understood when i read it like what "The Sleeper's curve" thought it had to do with actual sleeping. Your blog shows you truly understood what Johnson was saying and connected with them as well. I really like how you connected Johnson's book and feed because i really didn't think thay did but now I get the connection. I agree some of his points are strong but like you said it's a little faulty so makes you still think when will people look at technology as good then the usual bad and what a waste of time it is?? maybe you could talked a little bit more of the other points he talks about like of video games. But overall like your posts, they are insightful. Good Job

To: Brandon Z.

I like how you read and understood the texts but at the same time were able to disagree or agree with his ideas. You even use yourself to prove him wrong which I thought was pretty cool ( the part about readers being more active VS non - readers.) I like ideas you bring up like the way author is saying that the technology most people is a waste time is actually good and will be better in the future or like in the end you say we can't really do anyhting to stop this new technology era, just sit back and watch is true. Maybe you should talk a little bit more of what author said and connecting or just agreeing or disagreeing with some of his other points. But besides that i believe you got what Johnson was saying and have great ideas.

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