Monday, October 19, 2009

HW # 13 - Feed B

Tobin's use of allegory is interesting because they way he sets up the setting makes it seem like it's happening in the future when it's actually about modern - day teenage lives. He creates a lot of parallels between his book and reality, which is what some artists try to do in their artwork. So you could say Tobin in a sense, is an artist painting what he believes and sees as the modern day teenager. The plot he creates seems familiar because it has a lot of comparisons with our lives, the way they feel to even the way they speak. He does seem to emphasize the problems but does not offer any solutions, the only person in the book that seemed to get what was wrong was Violet. Violet saw the problems, for example how their skin was falling off but instead of trying to do something or make it stop, the teenagers saw it as a trend. With Violet i believe he was showing that not all of us are the same, some of us can understand the problems with our lives or even the world. Her death was what made the book a tragedy because the only teen that saw what was wrong with their lives dies?? I think it made Tobin's message even stronger.

I believe his book was for both adult audience and young, Feed was about modern - day teenage society but at the same time hinted that the reason Titus and his crew and all teens were living the way they were was because of the adults. The adults were the ones still running the schools, making the descions to what to do with the planets or the parks. So I believe he meant Feed for both the adults and teens. To tell you the truth, i'm not really sure why he wrote it as a book than a film or a hyperlinked website but it could have been becasue it was just the way he wanted to spread his message. I agree Feed is a good example of revelatory art, because it "reveals" what our lives are like adults and teens alike.

Bert Brecht "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." is an insightful saying because usually people say art is what the artist sees and draws or paints and what he sees is the world. so wouldn't the artist's painting be a reflection of the world? So it made me think is art a hammer then?? I believe a mirror cannot be hammer because the reflection of the mirror is shaped by hammer. I think Feed is a hammer because it shapes what our world is like. In my ownart i would like to revelatory like Tobin's but not sure if I would kie it to be a hammer or mirror.

1 comment:

  1. Michelle its good to read some of your stuff again.You really got the essence of Feed in your writing.What really grabbed my attention was when you stated "usually people say art is what the artist sees and draws or paints and what he sees is the world. so wouldn't the artist's painting be a reflection of the world? So it made me think is art a hammer then??" This is a insightful thought. It made me think tho should art be used as both a hammer and a reflection of the world us.Because before we can reshape the world around us, we must first in my opinon be able to truly understand it. So maybe art , like Feed did, must be able to express both whats going on and how we want to reshape it.Next time I would like to see you expand on your own opinon's. You have some great stuff here I can't wait to hear more.
