Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hw # 55

Pt 1:

How does your family make who you are today?

Pt 2:


I like your questions but maybe make both questions in one to have more specific research or paper on one of these matters and perhaps bring up how birth order of you and siblings affect each other to tie the two together. But overall I think this is an interesting topic and will bring up many issues and thoughts about sibling relationships and you could even provide evidence of your own life.


You have a really good start, your question is argumentative and I'm sure you will find a number of magazine articles or books about the reasons why men and women cheat. You could also talk about the ethics in our culture today versus maybe 20 or 30 years ago when dating and cheating are not what they are today. You could also give your own opinion and others on this with interviews or use experiences of real people to support your arguments.

I had a hard time starting this because didn't know what I wanted to talk about but after reading others and getting an idea of how and where to start, I chose a topic I found interesting and significant to me.

Pt 3:

Magana, Lynette. "Family - child relationships ." Provider - Parent Partnerships: Family - Child Relationships. N.p., 2006. Web. 17 May 2010. .

This article is for people who are in childcare telling them how they must deal with children and how to have a healthy relationship between them and the child. I thought it was interesting that it said if the child has a parent who is loving and sensitive tend to adjust better in school and childcare settings versus those who don't. It shows just how much your parents affect you and the way you adjust to other environments besides your own home. It also talks about how there are many different types of rlationships between parent and child which I found true, not one family is the same. It also talks about how if child has a strong and supportive family means they can have strong relationships with others too.

Vuchinich, Sam. "Conflict - Couple Relationships, Family Relationships, Parent - child relationships." Conflict. N.p., 2010. Web. 17 May 2010. <>

This article is hits a lot of points about relationships in families, and even has articles on couple relationships, parent - child relationships,etc. I will even go on to recomend this to others who talk about one of these relationships(Even has about siblings and rivalry!) This article talks about the parent - child relationship and conflicts that occur between them but also the strong and loving bonds they still have for each other. Talks about the negative and positives of these relationships, "Specifically, childhood conflict interactions can contribute positively to personal and social development." is a way parents affect one as th child.

McClure, Robin . "10 ways to strengthen families." Ways to strengthen the relationships., 2010. Web. 17 May 2010.

This article talks more about the relationship a parent - child should have giving a list of tips to partns to make this connection stronger. It just goes to show how important this relationship between parent and child is and how much parent must be "good" and provide child with nuture and care.

Zonnios, Evangelia. "Family Influence." Family Influence Teaching your children values through example from their parents Family Influence: Teaching your children values through example from their parents., Feb,21,2007. Web. 17 May 2010.

This article shows how much influence a parent has over their child "Even babies learn through example. Their habits and characteristics are formed through what they regularly see and hear from their parents, brothers and sisters." It's more on a child's early childhood as a baby and how important these years of develpment are but I still think child's whole entir development is important even to middle - age parents are still parenting.

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