Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hw # 58

Part 3: Interviews

The person that came into our class to be interviewed was Melissa, and like many other parents they enjoy talking about their kids. She begins by telling us their ages and how she had heard that having a boy first was the best because then they would be equally mature even thought her daughter was younger. When we asked her if she planned on having kids, she answered that she just assumed she would have kids someday. She also no longer wants any more kids because they are a lot of work and " want to raise a well - rounded kid that has strong values. And bringing up in New York will bring world views." In the role of parenting she says her husband is more of the authority over the kids, and a way of discipline is a time - out. Which she finds as a way to " get space when pushing each other's buttons." But she likes to focus more on the rewards than on punishment, and she is "enjoying every growing year with them." As a parent she'd also like to offer different cultural settings than she received, but they can still have their own perspective. We also asked her if she'd ever been judged as a parent, and she said of course, that even her own father tried to tell her how to discipline. " Once become parent, everyone judges you.." One thing she said that I completely agreed with was that "parents should get the ugliness because it means the child is comfortable with their parents."

Many people just assume that they will be parents someday (including me) but not every one, some people don't have the patience or want or are ready for kids in their life, while others its a natural part of life. I also agree shouldn't have so many kids like the famous woman Kate plus 8, why would have so many kids if you don't have the finance or time to raise so many kids? I believe as well because New York is so diverse with so many financial and cultural backgrounds people have that it will provide the child with many different types of perspectives and people, that is if the parent lets them explore them. And no matter what when you become a parent as Melissa mentioned, you will get judged by your own family to your friends, to even strangers. And the statement like I said before that I really like was that parents should get the ugliness of the child, and that shouldn't discourage the parent because it means they are more real and comfortable with them. And just enjoy every year to come:)

Part 4:

This mini - unit definitely made me understand the many ways one can parent, because when you are only exposed to one type of parenting, you think or believe every ones parent is like yours. But their NOT, and many of the things we spoke about parenting I was either astonished about or found myself nodding my head to. It had always occurred to me when I have a baby and it was crying, to run in and comfort it. But then spoke of other parents like Mr. Marx who instead used a method called Ferber method where you teach it to self - soothe. To me at first, i was sorta like why would you teach a 1 month or older baby how to self soothe? But many parenting methods I think should definitely be considered even if they seem a bit different than how you were brought up.

It also gave me get perspective on my own childhood and how my parents brought up my siblings and I. How my mother talked to my grandmother or older women for advice, because they already had children. The way some of my classmates were brought whether single parent or both or guardian gave more of view on how others are brought up as well as the interview of parents and their own methods and thoughts. But at the same time because I am still only a teen I don't completely understand or have the maturity to be able to parent, which is why many young parents struggle to parent. But something I do feel strong about parenting is if you don't have the time, because children need time and full effort from the parent then don't have any children until you do. Many make that mistake and send them off to a daycare while they work, then what was the point of having the child? But in the end the right way of parenting is... there is none, it's all what you believe is right.

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