Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw # 23

Some questions I have are: What is cool? For society? What is the difference between being popular versus cool? Is being cool important? What is cool for others? I think people views on what is being cool depending on your views, living area, background, etc. For example in California it's cool to surf but in New York it's cool to skateboard. So cool can be defined differently for each person. Magazines try to tell us what society defines a "cool" like hottest celeb, clothing that is "cool" , etc. Being unique is another quality that would make someone cool, because it's something new and different, but sometimes being too different can make you uncool. What makes someone uncool would be like not fully fitting in, some might say "oh, i don't care about fitting in, " but i think deep down we all care. Cool is being unique while fitting in, trendy, good - looking, smart without really trying, are some ways cool can be defined.

Who is cool?? Famous people like musicians, actors, models, directors, some people that are cool. The people around you in the environment you are in decides what cool is for you. In our school it's cool to wear skinny jeans or converses or pea coats. While it might be different in other schools or at your job.We talked in class what music was cool and in my middle school rock music was cool but also the latest hit songs. The hit songs were always known as the songs or music or artists that were cool but who decides what is the "cool" music??? We might decide What music we like but that doesn't stop what music is cool. The "cool" music that everyone is expected to know especially after the radio plays it for the hundredth time.

Another question was being old cool?? I think being older is but old might not be for some because people think its cool to be 18 versus 15 or there is this phrase i read in magazine "40 is the new 20" , they are always telling us what age is in at the moment. while being 60 might not be as cool as being 22, and i wonder why that is?? Is it because you've lived most of your life already so nothing is new anymore or why?? I don't really know if I'm cool or not but i do try to stay on trend because i like staying on trend but also like not following but not to the point where someone might be like " what the are you wearing??!!" I know technology wise i like getting latest devices like i got the iPhone because it was a "cool" phone. We all really try to be cool some way or another but we all define cool differently.

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