Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hw # 4 - forgot to post it long time ago

To Bryanna

I like how you ask questions in your post because they make me think and wonder what the answer to these questions are. I also enjoyed how you would use yourself in examples to get across an idea. When you say that you feel like your missing out on things or can't communicate with other people when you can't get on internet, I feel the same way. Sometimes when i can't get on, I get frustrated and try until I finally get internet. But I think that's not the only reason we live for internet, maybe you should expand that more like saying more reasons. Or you could say what other digital media we couldn't live without beside computer and reasons why. When you say that if we could have any reason to go on the internet made me realize a lot of us do that. I do at least, I go on because I have homework but it just a reason for me to get on internet and go web browsing or IMing. I wonder if it is true that people watch TV more than go on internet, because most of my family does except probably my older brother he loves everything to do with digital media. It'd be cool to make class try to live with out using computer/internet. Thanks for helping me understand a bit more of why we are so dependent on digital media, hope to read more of your blogs.

To: Chris
I liked how you would mention the aspect of how bad digital media is but at the same time would say how good it is as well. Like when you say how it's good to be able to blog your homework then on paper but then say it also causes you to get more distracted because you begin to IM or go on facebook. I have the same problem but it's even worse because i have my computer in the same room as my TV so I like stop every second to watch it.
At the beginning of your blog you say how first thing you thought of when you heard of electronics was computer and internet. Which made me realize that you really didn't mention other electronics much. You could've expanded more on how other things concerning digital media affects us or you. At the end of blog you say that digital media just might not be 100 percent an addiction, its just we choose not to get off, maybe expand that why do we choose not to?
You say that in movies now, they even have a commercial telling people not to text because it makes annoying sound and it's light. It really shows how even texting has become so common people even do it in the movie theater.

Thanks I enjoyed your blog.

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