Friday, November 20, 2009

Hw # 24 - Short Story

It's his first day of school but it's second semester. He walks in with his shoulders back and head held high. Everyone leans foward and stares at him. He hands the teacher a note. He waits and slicks his black hair out his eyes. He doesn't fidget or move, just stands there, with his hands in his skinny jeans, staring off. The teacher announces to the class that he is new and asks him to introduce himself. " ma name's Justin." he says while staring at a chic, winking at her. She blushes and feels privileged while all the other girls look on jealously. Teacher gives him a seat but instead Justin ignores him and sits in the corner.

The teacher begins to talk and Justin stares off again with his eyebrows knit together deep in his thoughts. The teacher calls on him and waits for an answer. Justin looks straight at the teacher and answers. The teacher's eyebrows shoot up and he says, "correct." and continues. Meanwhile his classmates try to sneak looks at him but he doesn't seem to notice..... Class is almost over and teacher tells everyone the homework. The kids begin to take out their planner, but instead Justin takes out his iphone and begins texting. The bell rings, class is over. He throws on his leather jacket and kids begin shuffling out of class. Those kids brave enough, introduce themselves but all he does is nod his head. He walks out, his blue eyes penetrating but not really looking at anything in particular. All around people stare, trying to figure out who he is, wishing he was their friend. But he keeps walking down the hallway. He stops and takes his board out his locker. Pow! The skatebard hits the floor, he rides out the school doors not stopping, not looking anywhere but foward.


  1. Michelle,
    Overall, your story describes what people would look at as being "cool". I thought a lot while reading your story. Long black hair, not seeming to care about class, leather jackets and skateboards, these things are things that are called cool in today's society. It's funny because the same people who call those things cool don't even know the meaning of the word "cool". Good Story.

  2. michelle.

    I enjoyed reading your story. It sounds like the "cool" kid didn't even know he was cool. It was more of how the others around him viewed him. He was more about doing his own thing than paying attention to others or what they thought.

  3. hey i like your story it kind of reminds me of grease when they wore leather jackets and have the slick here with the gel. i like you didnt try to make a story from today in our time but had the idea to make a story based on back in the 70s.

  4. Hey,
    I liked many things about this character in your story; he has a lot of confidence and only cares about himslef. He doesn't pay any attention to what is going on around him. The guy doesn't let anyone tell him what to do, he does his own thing.

  5. Michelle- I liked your story a lot and I liked how you gave your character a mysterious personality because I noticed that not many stories had that so I liked that. I also liked how you ended the story with a cliff-hanger type thing. Good work!- Juliette

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What a great read .I really liked how you made the cool kid not even really see himself as cool. Yet it was the people around him who viewed him as cool.It seemed that being the individual he was, is what infact made him cool. Very nice story.

  8. the cool kid your story was the kind of kid that did not care about what anyone had to say. He tried to do his own thing and not show that he was into the whole "I care what other people say." I like your story ity was good

  9. I liked your story, it reminded me a little of myself. Winking at the ladies and her feeling privileged while the others full of envy and jealousy. Your story was really put well real good. The kid, trying to seem all cool, ignoring people, gaining more and more attention. Then BOOM, the skateboard, what many teens find an entrance into cool, which i do not agree on.
