Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hw#20 - Revised draft

Digitalization has slowly become part of our daily lives through out the years, in a way that one would've never dreamed of 10 years ago. It has affected how we actually live our daily lives, at school, home, work and other environments. This change has made us conform even more than back when TV's hadn't been invented or any other digital device was discovered. But even back then there were ways people could conform but due to digitalization it has become worse. It has made it easier for us to conform making no one a real individual. The digital world has taken over our daily lives and has made conformity worse.

A typical day in one's life begins with waking with an alarm, turning on TV to see the weather or news, then checking one's cell phone for calls, voicemail, texts or facebook updates. Then walk out house and turn on one's ipod and then begin texting friends until reach car or train or bike. Once you get to work or school and print out papers for class or meeting and so on. You might not do all of this but if you notice, some way or another digitalization affects our daily lives. I surveyed people to see how the digital world interfered in their lives and one person said “ I spend 2 hours on Internet or facebook but it added stress whether aware of it or not. Having to juggle it.” (Guzman – Hw# 7) Every single person I surveyed said some way the digital media affected them. No matter if it was in a good way or bad way, it still affected their lives.

I also did an experiment where I tried not to use phone for 3 weeks, which worked because technically it was broken so I couldn’t use it even if I wanted to. Carrying a cell phone means that a tiny part of your brain knows that anybody can tap you on the shoulder at any moment, disrupting you - no matter what you’re doing. The mere knowledge that this is possible prevents me from reaching a certain level of calm, or detachment, or self-absorption, or something-or-other.” (Brooks) Without it I felt like “ I was “missing out on things” (Bryanna) and would get frustrated at times but that didn’t stop me from watching TV or going on Internet. But I realized during our discussions in class that many of my classmates and I are so used to going about our lives with digital that we can’t even really go about our day without it, which shows how the digital world has taken over our lives.

Sometimes it affects our lives so much we don’t even have to go outside to exercise or go shopping, “Wii Fit Plus combines fun and fitness into one product. It can change how you exercise, how you balance, and even how you move. Expanding upon the original Wii Fit software, Wii Fit Plus is packed with every feature from Wii Fit—plus new exercises and tools to personalize your exercise routine.” (“Wii Fit”) Like for example the Wii allows us to stay home and exercise without ever really having the need to go outside. It is taking over how we go about our day and our daily routines now require the digital world. It is also making us forget what is happening around us, forgetting what is truly important like reading or taking a walk in the park. Because of this we are letting it taking over our lives making us conform to this new way of life and the way we live it.

Conformity is when we change to fit in with the people around us, conformity has been happening ever since humans existed even before digitalization. Before one couldn't watch TV or Internet to see latest trends because that didn't exist yet but we could still watch others and fit in with what everyone else was wearing. But do to the start of digitalization, conformity has become worse. Today we can watch TV or magazines to keep up with latest trends making it so much easier to conform to what celebrities, actors, idols, and others are doing, wearing, and thinking (as in their ideas, views, and thoughts).

Still need to add more evidence.

Many of things we do now are so much easier than in my parent’s or their parent’s generation, now we easily call or text someone rather than sending a letter or telegraph. My parent’s would have to send each other letters when he would go away and my mom was a telegrapher in Mexico so she also knew how to send telegrams to him. If you notice how different it is now, especially for my generation digitalization has made it easier for us to stay communicated. And this is just one way the digital world is taking over our lives.

Started but still working on still: Evidence for second arguement, OPV, connections and conclusion


  1. POV:4
    SIG & CON:3
    GRADE: 15.5/24

  2. POV: 4
    EV: 2.5
    EO: 3.5
    OPV: Still need to add
    GRADE: 16 - Based on what you have so far. We already discussed what you should fix.

  3. Michelle,

    POV: 3.5
    SIG & CON: 2.5

    Good start you need to add a little more and expand your thoughts I know you defiently have more on your mind. Remember to check the rubric and make sure you added as much as possible. Overall good start! :D
