Thursday, December 31, 2009

HW 31

Part A:

Interviewed friend Liz:

What methods in school or at home do you use to be cool or play a certain role?

In school I act differently than I do at home, the respect towards the adults remaines the same

But how do you act differently? Do you dress a certain way? Try to have latest trendy things? Do you act certain way with friends?

I feel that I am more outgoing with my friends and can express my self more than i can at home because there are certain rules to follow...I dont really follow all the "latest trends" but I do get what I like.

Do you think your going to get another piercing or a tatto anytime soon?

Maybe, but I'm still thinking about it.

what role do u tink you play in school the beauty, jock, loner, good student, jokester or rebel etc?

If i really did have to put a lable on myself i guess it would be the jokerster...

Part B:
Scripts I play to feel important or to aggrandize myself are definitely staying on trend. I like having the latest technology and the clothes that are cool or what I think is. It's a role I play and I'm not going to lie, its nice when someone tells you look good that day or they like what your wearing. But like most roles we play, we have to keep it up and try not to fail it. If we do, it pretty much sucks because you no longer feel like your living a meaningful life depending on what script you are playing. The same goes to being seen as the good student, the one that pays attention and does their work. They're roles we must maintain, you can't just start slacking or you lose the role just like in a play. Another is being the good daughter, the one who will finish high school and of course college to have a good and maybe happy life and study something that gets me good job and pay, to have the better life.

Monday, December 14, 2009


Advertising to young people i believe shouldn't be banned because even if it is banned people would try to still advertise to teenagers and the young will still look to the media for what the next "big thing" is. i think I'd also be impossible to ban advertising for teenagers if we get ads from everywhere from our TV to ads in the streets. What are they going to do close our eyes while we're walking in like times square. We are too accustomed to digital part in our lives that banning ads would probably make people go crazy, especially if we see 10,00 a day. Corporations will just try to find another way to get teens into what is cool at the moment to sell their merchandise.

Adults say that we are the most consumers but is it really our fault if it's the same adults that advertise to us merchandise that we would want and buy. But we aren't the only ones they target and the movie doesn't show this, they also get other adults to buy what is cool and what the young is into so they can be just as cool.In the movie they even show teenagers themselves being paid to help corporations sell merchandise and what do these kids do with the money.... buy stuff they are being merchandised, seem kind of like a never ending circle.

What would banning do to stop advertising when we are like walking advertisements, teens,celebs everyone because we wear brand names, the trends and merchandise. the hottest trends and merchandise comes and goes so fast nowadays that teenagers find it easier to find what is cool. In a way that's good for us teenagers because we can stay cool but we get tired of it and want to be unique somehow. Do ads make us conform more to what is cool? i think they do especially if it is "made" for us. I think banning it completely wouldn't work and banning ads won't stop us from trying to be cool it'll just be harder to know what cool is. At the same time what is cool really?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hw# 28 - Informal research

"week in review." The New York Times. 27 Nov 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

This article talks about how he belives cool is "dead" because of how trends appear and die too quickly for them to become part of being cool. He says "here are so many cultural trends today that the distinction between cool and uncool doesn’t matter anymore. We’re all hipsters now."He continues to talk about how easy it is to acess what is cool that everything is up to date and " new."

I don't agree because it's cool can't ever be dead, it's just so much faster than our parents generations due to how easy it is for corporation's to access us via internet what is hot right now and "cool" But his idea of how acessible it is to find what is new and cool is true because while we continue to advance more technologically we seem to also find what "cool" is or at least what society tell us.

"The Cool Test." Nerdtests user tests. Web. 9 Dec 2009. .

this website has tests people can take like are you a nerd or popular or the COOL test. They ask questions and your answers determine whether your cool or not. Like do you wear glasses or not? or have you said yo mama in the past 24 hrs? These tests are out of 100% and the higher you get the cooler you are.

I thought this website was funny because they tell us whether we are cool or not but why does this test determine whether or not you are really cool. I wonder if people actually take these tests to know if they are cool or not and if they let it decide if they are or not. this website also down on you being less cool if you are smart, so this is another way that makes us cool or not according to this website.

"How to be cool." Alan Who? " The thoughts of a cool guy.". 2009. Web. 9 Dec 2009.

This article is a list of 20 things you need to know about cool an example of one is " 5. The only brand you advertise is your own. You wear simple but stylish clothing free from corporate logo's or slogans. You advertise brands like Nike on the shirt you are wearing or Levi on your jeans." He explains it to the way you talk, walk and look to be cool.

Many of the things he talks about connected to what we had talked in class like the brand thing about how wearing it to show off is seen as cool for some while others like Alan Who believe that wearing non - brand clothes is cooler. But how does this man know if these 20 things is really going to make one cool if veryone views what cool is differently?

checked out: because they show what celebrities are wearing and tell you where to get exactly or something like they are wearing. which how helps people saty on trend and be as cool as one of their favorite celebs. actually gives the definition of cool but does it really have one?

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hw # 27

Interviews with strangers:

Kathy -

Who do you think is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Beyonce because she's worked with everybody and so many different ethnicities.

Were you cool in high school?

No, i was into sports and was on the math team.

What is your definition of cool?

Honest and foward, down to earth and don't care what others think. And have an open mind to anything you want to do.

Who is the coolest person you know and why?

My mom, raised us kids

Missy -

Who is cooler Beyonce or Rihanna?

Rihanna because she's been through a lot more and Beyonce seems superficial.

Were you cool in high school?

Not cool, was like in the middle.

What makes someone cool?

originality and can pull it off

Who do you think is cool and why?

All my friends are cool somehow

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hw # 25 - Part 1

I like this it showed that he was cool because he stood up for the " non - cool" and realizes who he truly wants to be for his sake not others! NICE!

I really like the reactions those around had the "cool" kid and your style of writing was creative. Your story made understand what you viewed as cool. NICE JOB :)

I thought your story was awesome because it was more like a script and really showed what you or the characters viewed as cool. Love reading your posts!

I really like this, at first i thought this person was older but like how you depicted what "cool" is and showed how rebellion can be seen as cool. Love it

your story was good and also because you did a guy instead of a girl. So it made me understand your view on cool and the way even his friends looked at him weird and changed him. Fitting in is definitely one of the main things "cool" is. GOOD JOB!

Part 2 -

Patterns i noticed in these stories were how each one showed their perception of what cool is to them, or to society. Also showed older person cool versus the teenager cool. Most of the elements of cool were on trend like what he was wearing and the way they walked or talked was cool. Also how the character reacted or those around him/her reacted in like a wow or who is he? way.Another element saw a lot was the new kid or character struggling and his decision is seen as "cool" like standing up for someone or more personal struggle like in Matt's. So characters played the role of the "newbie" or "rebel" in the stories i read.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hw # 24 - Short Story

It's his first day of school but it's second semester. He walks in with his shoulders back and head held high. Everyone leans foward and stares at him. He hands the teacher a note. He waits and slicks his black hair out his eyes. He doesn't fidget or move, just stands there, with his hands in his skinny jeans, staring off. The teacher announces to the class that he is new and asks him to introduce himself. " ma name's Justin." he says while staring at a chic, winking at her. She blushes and feels privileged while all the other girls look on jealously. Teacher gives him a seat but instead Justin ignores him and sits in the corner.

The teacher begins to talk and Justin stares off again with his eyebrows knit together deep in his thoughts. The teacher calls on him and waits for an answer. Justin looks straight at the teacher and answers. The teacher's eyebrows shoot up and he says, "correct." and continues. Meanwhile his classmates try to sneak looks at him but he doesn't seem to notice..... Class is almost over and teacher tells everyone the homework. The kids begin to take out their planner, but instead Justin takes out his iphone and begins texting. The bell rings, class is over. He throws on his leather jacket and kids begin shuffling out of class. Those kids brave enough, introduce themselves but all he does is nod his head. He walks out, his blue eyes penetrating but not really looking at anything in particular. All around people stare, trying to figure out who he is, wishing he was their friend. But he keeps walking down the hallway. He stops and takes his board out his locker. Pow! The skatebard hits the floor, he rides out the school doors not stopping, not looking anywhere but foward.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Hw # 21 - Art Project

I believe my art is a mirror because i'm trying to show others how digital has affected us in a way that, everywhere you walk someone is using technology. It definitely made me think more on how there is no going back but foward, because we will keep advancing and using technology. It was interesting though because i realized sooooo many people are texting and calling, the phone is one of the digital devices used the most. It was fun project because i took these pictures throughout the week and i love photography and sometimes people would catch me taking pics of them and they would give me dirty looks but besides that it was fun. It really made me take the time out and see how much technology is part of our lives because i usually don't pay attention and try to find technology around me so it was like seeing it through a new aspect.

Hw # 23

Some questions I have are: What is cool? For society? What is the difference between being popular versus cool? Is being cool important? What is cool for others? I think people views on what is being cool depending on your views, living area, background, etc. For example in California it's cool to surf but in New York it's cool to skateboard. So cool can be defined differently for each person. Magazines try to tell us what society defines a "cool" like hottest celeb, clothing that is "cool" , etc. Being unique is another quality that would make someone cool, because it's something new and different, but sometimes being too different can make you uncool. What makes someone uncool would be like not fully fitting in, some might say "oh, i don't care about fitting in, " but i think deep down we all care. Cool is being unique while fitting in, trendy, good - looking, smart without really trying, are some ways cool can be defined.

Who is cool?? Famous people like musicians, actors, models, directors, some people that are cool. The people around you in the environment you are in decides what cool is for you. In our school it's cool to wear skinny jeans or converses or pea coats. While it might be different in other schools or at your job.We talked in class what music was cool and in my middle school rock music was cool but also the latest hit songs. The hit songs were always known as the songs or music or artists that were cool but who decides what is the "cool" music??? We might decide What music we like but that doesn't stop what music is cool. The "cool" music that everyone is expected to know especially after the radio plays it for the hundredth time.

Another question was being old cool?? I think being older is but old might not be for some because people think its cool to be 18 versus 15 or there is this phrase i read in magazine "40 is the new 20" , they are always telling us what age is in at the moment. while being 60 might not be as cool as being 22, and i wonder why that is?? Is it because you've lived most of your life already so nothing is new anymore or why?? I don't really know if I'm cool or not but i do try to stay on trend because i like staying on trend but also like not following but not to the point where someone might be like " what the are you wearing??!!" I know technology wise i like getting latest devices like i got the iPhone because it was a "cool" phone. We all really try to be cool some way or another but we all define cool differently.

Hw # ? - Grades on triangle partner's draft

To: Matthew

POV: 4
EV: 2 (need some quotes for evidence)
EO: 3
SIG & CON: 3
OPV: 3
Com. written: 4
Grade: 18

To: Brandon

POV: 4
EV: 2 (need a bit more like maybe some quotes)
SIG & CON: 3
OPV:2 (Dont see ur opposing viewpoints)
Grade:17/24 (don't worry this is just because missing OPV but besides that you have a good start)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

HW # 22 - Final Draft

The Digital World

“All I need to do is click on you and we'll be joined in the most soul-less way and we'll never ever ruin each other's day cuz when I'm through I just click and you just go away.”

- Bad Religion


Digitalization has slowly become part of our daily lives through out the years, in a way that one would've never dreamed of 10 years ago. It has affected how we actually live our daily lives, at school, home, work and other environments. This change has made us conform even more than back when TV's hadn't been invented or any other digital device was discovered. But even back then there were ways people could conform but due to digitalization it has become worse. It has made it easier for us to conform making no one a real individual. The digital world has taken over our daily lives and has made conformity worse.

Argument # 1:

A typical day in one's life begins with waking with an alarm, turning on TV to see the weather or news, then checking one's cell phone for calls, voicemail, texts or facebook updates. Then walk out house and turn on one's ipod and then begin texting friends until reach car or train or bike. Once you get to work or school and print out papers for class or meeting and so on. You might not do all of this but if you notice, some way or another digitalization affects our daily lives. I surveyed people to see how the digital world interfered in their lives and one person said “ I spend 2 hours on Internet or facebook but it added stress whether aware of it or not. Having to juggle it.” (Guzman – Hw# 7) Every single person I surveyed said some way the digital media affected them. No matter if it was in a good way or bad way, it still affected their lives.

I also did an experiment where I tried not to use phone for 3 weeks, which worked because technically it was broken so I couldn’t use it even if I wanted to. Carrying a cell phone means that a tiny part of your brain knows that anybody can tap you on the shoulder at any moment, disrupting you - no matter what you’re doing. The mere knowledge that this is possible prevents me from reaching a certain level of calm, or detachment, or self- absorption, or something-or-other.” (Brooks) Without it I felt like “ I was “missing out on things” (Bryanna) and would get frustrated at times but that didn’t stop me from watching TV or going on Internet. But I realized during our discussions in class that many of my classmates and I are so used to going about our lives with digital that we can’t even really go about our day without it, which shows how the digital world has taken over our lives.

Sometimes it affects our lives so much we don’t even have to go outside to exercise or go shopping, “Wii Fit Plus combines fun and fitness into one product. It can change how you exercise, how you balance, and even how you move. Expanding upon the original Wii Fit software, Wii Fit Plus is packed with every feature from Wii Fit—plus new exercises and tools to personalize your exercise routine.” (“Wii Fit”) Like for example the Wii allows us to stay home and exercise without ever really having the need to go outside. It is taking over how we go about our day and our daily routines now require the digital world. It is also making us forget what is happening around us, forgetting what is truly important like reading or taking a walk in the park. Because of this we are letting it taking over our lives making us conform to this new way of life and the way we live it.

Argument # 2:

Conformity is when we change to fit in with the people around us, conformity has been happening ever since humans existed even before digitalization. Before one couldn't watch TV or Internet to see latest trends because that did not exist yet. But yet we could still watch others and fit in with what everyone else was wearing. But do to the start of digitalization, conformity has become worse. Today we can watch TV or magazines to keep up with latest trends making it so much easier to conform to what celebrities, actors, idols, and others are doing, wearing, and thinking (their ideas, views, and thoughts).

This sense of conformity makes people want the latest electronic because it’s what “everyone” else has. There is a website that focuses on polls that ask questions about people’s views on digital media. A question they ask is “Would you buy an Apple computer in order to avoid adware and spyware problems? ” (“Inside Digital Media – Polls”) You could probably guess that the percentage that said yes was larger than those who said no. The real reason so many people said yes was not because they would avoid problems but because Mac is viewed as the best, the “coolest”. Why can't a PC provide all this versus a Mac? There are even ads that make fun of the windows 7 and shows Mac as the best. ("Apple Get a Mac Ad: Time Machine”) It shows how conformity is getting worse with the digital world because it brings the competition of who has the newest, “coolest”, and advanced technology, just another thing we can conform to.

A great example of how conformity has worsened due to the start of digitalization is the book Feed by M.T. Anderson. In this book the author uses allegory, where the characters seem to be from the future but are actually the representation of the modern day teenagers. The characters in this book have computer implants called feed making them completely dependent on digital. This book focuses on how digital is affecting us in a bad way; one of his examples is how teenagers conform to those around them. “ Once, she went to the bathroom, casual – like, and came back with her hair parted a different place. Calista and Quendy watched her. Later without saying anything, they went and did theirs different like that.” (Anderson, 52) These girls throughout the book go to the bathroom and change their hairstyle like three times a day because the Feed would notify them what the newest and cool hairstyle was. We might not change our hairstyle every day but we do change it maybe every year to what hair cut or hair color is “in.” I know I do, one time the trend was having short hair and it was all over Internet and magazines that celebrities and actors were cutting their hair short like Rihanna or Katie Holmes. So it was easy for me to see what this trend was and what it looked like so I cut it and I liked it. But after a while I felt like it was what a lot of people’s hair looked like, so I grew it out. Sometimes we conform to what every one else doing or saying because we want to fit in and due to the digital world it is so much easier for us to do this, making it worse.

Another way Feed shows how conformity has worsened because of the start of digitalization is how their feed sends them ads according to what clothing, “lesions”, music, etc. is hip and trendy at the time. Most of the teenagers in the book listened to these ads and would buy things the ads tell them about. “ The feed spoke to me real quiet about new trends, about pants that should be shorter or longer, and bands I should know, and games with new levels and stalactites and fields of diamonds, and friends of many colors were all drinking coke, and beer was washing through mountain passes, and the stars of the Oh? Wow! Thing! Had got lesions, so lesions were hip, and mine looked like a million dollars…” (Anderson, 47) This is how Feed would tell them through ads in their head and even jingles that would attract them more on what to buy, and wear. We might not get ads in our heads but every time we go on Internet and web surf, everything we search on the computer sends us ads according to what we are looking at. When I went to the Wii Fit website, I received an ad about losing weight because it thought I wanted to exercise and lose weight. These ads try to make us conform to what they are telling us, and the start of digitalization has brought this. But not only does the Feed tell them what to wear and buy but advertise about lesions, lesions are parts of their skin that is peeling off but instead of finding a way to stop, they make it seem trendy and hip. In a class discussion we said that this could be like us getting tattoos and piercings because they are seen as cool by our society. These advertisements have kept or started many of these trends, making conformity worse.


Many of things we do now are so much easier than in my parent’s or their parent’s generation, now we easily call or text someone rather than sending a letter or telegraph. My parent’s would have to send each other letters when he would go away and my mom was a telegrapher in Mexico so she also knew how to send telegrams to him. A father talks of how he gave his oldest daughter a film camera and that she took pictures with it but his younger daughter asked her to show her the pictures. The younger daughter comes running to him accusing her older sister of being mean because she would not show her the pictures. The father explains to her that it is not a digital camera so she couldn’t see them until they were developed. “ I can tell she doesn't believe me. And why should she? She has grown up surrounded by digital devices that make everything instant and convenient. Why would anyone want to go back to the old analog ways, stuffing around with something as old-fashioned as, say, film? ” (“Can we live without technology.”) If you notice how different it is now, especially for my generation it’s taken over our lives because the way we achieve things now is with digital, that pretty soon we will forget about things like film cameras, turntables, VHS, etc.

I remember watching a movie with my little brother that I found interesting, although the whole time afterwards my little brother and me kept saying Wall – eeeeeee or Evaaaaa. (If you’ve watched it, that’s pretty much the entire dialogue of the movie) This movie is called Wall – E and the reason I found it interesting was because the story is that the Earth has become a dump and the humans can no longer live there. So they invent this cruise – like ship where they will orbit in outer space until the Earth can be lived on again. On this ship the technology provides everything for them, they don’t even have to get off their chairs to get a haircut or to get somewhere. This movie shows how the digital world can take over our lives in an extreme way because they never disconnect from this world. The people seem to be in another reality because of the digital devices that they don’t even see what is surrounding them. Can this be our future? It’s a possibility especially at the rate of advances we have in technology; imagine ten years from now, what about 20?

Opposing Viewpoints:

But some say that this new technology can actually be good for us, the author of Everything Bad is Good For You Steven Johnson believes that digital devices like TV or video games are not harming us as many say. He says that they are actually making us think more, because of how TV has increased the work the viewer must do to watch it and understand, than it used to. “ The nature of the medium is such that television will never improve its viewers’ skills at translating letters into meaning, and it may not activate the imagination in the same way textual form does. But for all the other modes of mental exercise associated with reading, television is growing increasingly rigorous.” He explains that the reason why it is making our minds develop is because TV is making us think more than two decades ago. The way we have to fill in more and have very subtle hints of what is going to happen. But even he agrees that it’s still hasn’t reached the potential of reading a book and the level of imagination a book brings. But if we continue to let the digital world take over lives, someday we won’t even be reading books anymore.

If conformity is getting worse because of the way digital world is taking over our daily routines, why should we care? Some might say that conformity can’t be stopped because everything we do or say, someone has said before or done. So why should we worry if we continue to conform, with or without the digital world we’d still be conforming to fit in with those around us. Well because then wouldn’t life be boring? If everything we say or do is what everyone else is saying or doing, no one would be different. But we do want and try to be different but somehow we still “ Want to stand out while fitting in” (Conor). And people did not conform as much as we do now because everything is easier with digitalization even conforming.


The change digitalization has brought to our society has taken over our daily lives and routines, making conformity worse. And there is evidence of this in the movies we watch, the books we read, on the Internet and even in our very lives. I am not saying that we must cut off digital world completely because even if we wanted to, it wouldn’t be humanly possible. But we must not forget the important things outside of the digital world like nature, books or even just face-to-face socializing and the many other things we can do without digitalization. We must not let it make us conform more than we choose to because we can’t completely go against everything our society and the digital world tell us. Because we always want to fit in somehow but maybe having a balance of our lives inside and outside the digital world can help. Right now we can’t really do much about the digital world but watch how our lives change and grow because of it.

Work Cited Page

Anderson, M.T.Anderson. Feed. U.S.A.: Candlewick Press, 2002. 52 & 47. Print.

"Apple Get a Mac Ad: Time Machine." Youtube. Web. 7 Nov 2009. .

Bad Religion. “I Love my Computer.” Bad Religion – I Love my Computer. Dragnet Records, Sony Music Entertainment (Germany), 2000

Brooks, David. "Life without a cellphone? Priceless." GraniteGeek. 23 OCT 2009. Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

"Can we live without technology." The Age. May 21 2007. Web. 8 Nov 2009. .

Guzman, Michelle. "Personal/Political views – HW # 7." Blogger. SEPT 22 2009. Blogger, Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

Johnson, Steven. Everything Bad is Good for You. U.S.A.: Penguin Group, 2005. 64 - 65. Print.

"Poll Results." Inside Digital Media - Polls. Web. 7 Nov 2009. .

"Wii Fit Plus." Wii Fit. Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hw#20 - Revised draft

Digitalization has slowly become part of our daily lives through out the years, in a way that one would've never dreamed of 10 years ago. It has affected how we actually live our daily lives, at school, home, work and other environments. This change has made us conform even more than back when TV's hadn't been invented or any other digital device was discovered. But even back then there were ways people could conform but due to digitalization it has become worse. It has made it easier for us to conform making no one a real individual. The digital world has taken over our daily lives and has made conformity worse.

A typical day in one's life begins with waking with an alarm, turning on TV to see the weather or news, then checking one's cell phone for calls, voicemail, texts or facebook updates. Then walk out house and turn on one's ipod and then begin texting friends until reach car or train or bike. Once you get to work or school and print out papers for class or meeting and so on. You might not do all of this but if you notice, some way or another digitalization affects our daily lives. I surveyed people to see how the digital world interfered in their lives and one person said “ I spend 2 hours on Internet or facebook but it added stress whether aware of it or not. Having to juggle it.” (Guzman – Hw# 7) Every single person I surveyed said some way the digital media affected them. No matter if it was in a good way or bad way, it still affected their lives.

I also did an experiment where I tried not to use phone for 3 weeks, which worked because technically it was broken so I couldn’t use it even if I wanted to. Carrying a cell phone means that a tiny part of your brain knows that anybody can tap you on the shoulder at any moment, disrupting you - no matter what you’re doing. The mere knowledge that this is possible prevents me from reaching a certain level of calm, or detachment, or self-absorption, or something-or-other.” (Brooks) Without it I felt like “ I was “missing out on things” (Bryanna) and would get frustrated at times but that didn’t stop me from watching TV or going on Internet. But I realized during our discussions in class that many of my classmates and I are so used to going about our lives with digital that we can’t even really go about our day without it, which shows how the digital world has taken over our lives.

Sometimes it affects our lives so much we don’t even have to go outside to exercise or go shopping, “Wii Fit Plus combines fun and fitness into one product. It can change how you exercise, how you balance, and even how you move. Expanding upon the original Wii Fit software, Wii Fit Plus is packed with every feature from Wii Fit—plus new exercises and tools to personalize your exercise routine.” (“Wii Fit”) Like for example the Wii allows us to stay home and exercise without ever really having the need to go outside. It is taking over how we go about our day and our daily routines now require the digital world. It is also making us forget what is happening around us, forgetting what is truly important like reading or taking a walk in the park. Because of this we are letting it taking over our lives making us conform to this new way of life and the way we live it.

Conformity is when we change to fit in with the people around us, conformity has been happening ever since humans existed even before digitalization. Before one couldn't watch TV or Internet to see latest trends because that didn't exist yet but we could still watch others and fit in with what everyone else was wearing. But do to the start of digitalization, conformity has become worse. Today we can watch TV or magazines to keep up with latest trends making it so much easier to conform to what celebrities, actors, idols, and others are doing, wearing, and thinking (as in their ideas, views, and thoughts).

Still need to add more evidence.

Many of things we do now are so much easier than in my parent’s or their parent’s generation, now we easily call or text someone rather than sending a letter or telegraph. My parent’s would have to send each other letters when he would go away and my mom was a telegrapher in Mexico so she also knew how to send telegrams to him. If you notice how different it is now, especially for my generation digitalization has made it easier for us to stay communicated. And this is just one way the digital world is taking over our lives.

Started but still working on still: Evidence for second arguement, OPV, connections and conclusion

Hw # 4 - forgot to post it long time ago

To Bryanna

I like how you ask questions in your post because they make me think and wonder what the answer to these questions are. I also enjoyed how you would use yourself in examples to get across an idea. When you say that you feel like your missing out on things or can't communicate with other people when you can't get on internet, I feel the same way. Sometimes when i can't get on, I get frustrated and try until I finally get internet. But I think that's not the only reason we live for internet, maybe you should expand that more like saying more reasons. Or you could say what other digital media we couldn't live without beside computer and reasons why. When you say that if we could have any reason to go on the internet made me realize a lot of us do that. I do at least, I go on because I have homework but it just a reason for me to get on internet and go web browsing or IMing. I wonder if it is true that people watch TV more than go on internet, because most of my family does except probably my older brother he loves everything to do with digital media. It'd be cool to make class try to live with out using computer/internet. Thanks for helping me understand a bit more of why we are so dependent on digital media, hope to read more of your blogs.

To: Chris
I liked how you would mention the aspect of how bad digital media is but at the same time would say how good it is as well. Like when you say how it's good to be able to blog your homework then on paper but then say it also causes you to get more distracted because you begin to IM or go on facebook. I have the same problem but it's even worse because i have my computer in the same room as my TV so I like stop every second to watch it.
At the beginning of your blog you say how first thing you thought of when you heard of electronics was computer and internet. Which made me realize that you really didn't mention other electronics much. You could've expanded more on how other things concerning digital media affects us or you. At the end of blog you say that digital media just might not be 100 percent an addiction, its just we choose not to get off, maybe expand that why do we choose not to?
You say that in movies now, they even have a commercial telling people not to text because it makes annoying sound and it's light. It really shows how even texting has become so common people even do it in the movie theater.

Thanks I enjoyed your blog.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hw # 19 - comments


you got a lot of great ideas and it made me see how it backed up on your thesis. Onhow helps you stay connected with loved ones but maybe could have more evidence on how it makes our lives easier or your other arguments but besides that its good start. Good Job


You have a lot of good evidence, and like how you start off by giving readers backroung info. It really made me understand how it is harming us and could easily tell what your three arguments were. all you really need is opposing viewpoints but besides that its a great start.

Hw# 18

Thesis: The digital world has taken over our daily lives and has made conformity worse

Digitalization has slowly become part of our daily lives throught out the years, in a way that one would've never dreamed of 10 years ago. It has affected how we actually live our daily lives, at school, home, work and other environments. This change has made us conform even more than back when TV's hadn't been invented or any other digital device was discovered. But even then there was ways people would conform but due to digitalization it has become worse. It has made it easier for us to conform making no one a real individual. The bad side of all this is we have become lazy letting it take over our lives which is making conformity worse.

A typical day in one's life begins with waking with an alarm, turning on TV to see the weather or news, then checking one's cell phone for calls, voicemail, texts or facebook updates. Then walk out house and turn on one's ipod and then begin texting friends until reach car or train or bike. Once get to work or school print out papers for class or meeting and so on. You might not do all this but if you notice some way or another digitalization affects our daily lives. In interviews i had with complete stranger asking them "In what ways does digital media interfere with your life?" Every single person I interviewed said a way digtial media affected them, no matter if in a bad or good way it still affected their lives. STILL WILL ADD MORE EVIDENCE


Conformity is when we change to fit in with the people around us, conformity has been happening ever since humans existed even before digitalization. Before one couldn't watch TV or internet to see latest trends because that didn't exist yet but we could still watch others and fit in with what everyone else was wearing. But do to the start of digitalization, conformity has become worse. Today we can watch TV or magazines to keep up with latests trends making it so much easier to conform to what celebs, actors, idols , and others are doing, wearing, and thinking (as in their ideas, views, and thoughts). WILL ADD MORE

why does it matter if conformity is getting worse if there is really no way to stand out because no matter how much we want to be an individual or different someone has already done it and maybe digital taking over our lives is goo

-connect to world
-connect to myself
- connect to movie

-will restate thesis and conclude my whole essay

Hw# 17


I like the thesis and all your arguments back up your thesis well. Really like the part of how going to talk about the negative aspects of technology. Think paper will be interesting but 2nd and 3rd kind of sound the same they both are like the negative effects. Maybe you couldtighten your arguments a bit but this a good start. hope i get a chance to read it.


Like how you a have really good arguments and they do back up your thesis. The things you are talking about seem really interesting like how life is easier with digital or social part of technology. These are good topics because the reader will be interested. But the thesis should be short and simple but I think it'll be easy because you have a good start. hope to read your pape.r

Saturday, October 31, 2009

HW # 16

Thesis: The digital world has taken over our lives and has made conformity worse.

1st argument - how our lives and mine are affected by the digital world
-own experience
-interviews and surveys
-other blogs

2nd argument - why this has made conformity worse
-own experience
-other blogs

3rd argument - what would the good side or bad side of all this
- Feed
-Everything good is bad
-Wall - E
-Digtal experiments

Monday, October 26, 2009

Hw # 15 - Comments

To: Matt B.

I liked your blog post, even made me understand stuff i hadn't understood when i read it like what "The Sleeper's curve" thought it had to do with actual sleeping. Your blog shows you truly understood what Johnson was saying and connected with them as well. I really like how you connected Johnson's book and feed because i really didn't think thay did but now I get the connection. I agree some of his points are strong but like you said it's a little faulty so makes you still think when will people look at technology as good then the usual bad and what a waste of time it is?? maybe you could talked a little bit more of the other points he talks about like of video games. But overall like your posts, they are insightful. Good Job

To: Brandon Z.

I like how you read and understood the texts but at the same time were able to disagree or agree with his ideas. You even use yourself to prove him wrong which I thought was pretty cool ( the part about readers being more active VS non - readers.) I like ideas you bring up like the way author is saying that the technology most people is a waste time is actually good and will be better in the future or like in the end you say we can't really do anyhting to stop this new technology era, just sit back and watch is true. Maybe you should talk a little bit more of what author said and connecting or just agreeing or disagreeing with some of his other points. But besides that i believe you got what Johnson was saying and have great ideas.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HW # 14 - Second Text


In this excerpt, Steven Johnson talks of games and how people view them V.S. how they view reading. He talks of how most people view them; they are " a colossal waste of time," while reading is a virtue and every child should be a reader. He explains that the reason why games are viewed as the worst is because they are always " contrasted with older conventions of reading." He then presents a very interesting idea, what if games had come before reading and then reading became all the rage. People would still be prejudiced he says because they would contrast it with games and how they are so much better than reading. He believes people should read but he can't expect that readers spend no time on other stuff like TV, games or Internet. Playing Games make you have better hand - eye coordination but Johnson says that’s the most you hear about the experience of video games. You usually don't hear of how it feels like playing these virtual games and how hard they can actually be. He then goes on to describing how hard games can be but for some reason we enjoy it and keep playing. And how the tasks we must do in these video games seem more like chores but we 'd rather be playing Ultima than cleaning up our room.

The part I found most interesting was when Johnson told reader to imagine if games had come before reading, we would still be contrasting except this time with games. It makes think of how maybe instead being told all time since birth that reading is the best and every one should read instead we would be told to play video games. I personally like reading but also like playing video games. But I know that some adults see us teenagers playing and automatically are like what a waste of time, they should read more then waste time playing games. Of course some just say this without actually ever experiencing playing a video game but then how can they say they are a waste of time. Johnson says this is because video games are always contrasted with reading. He says they are always seen as the worst but not how hard games are. I know for a fact how frustrating and hard video games can be; in Halo I would play and have to get through some hard missions and I remember how frustrated I would be but Johnson says these tasks we do in video games are like chores. Which is funny because I'd rather be doing a mission then doing my laundry. But I think this is because like Johnson says we are actually in control of the story or plot.

A perspective I think is useful is how Johnson talks of the good of video games than just the usual "evils" of video games presented, because helps readers see both "sides." Another perspective I believe was useful was of how it would be different if gaming came before reading. But at the same time, he still believes that reading is the strongest way to get his point then in TV or video game. Which makes me think that he still believes reading is better than TV or games, but at the same time he also say that age twenty he wasted a lot of $$ on guides for video games.


In this excerpt, Steven Johnson talks about TV and why we stay up at night watching TV shows like ER or Sopranos. He talks of how can't even surf on Internet without hearing complaints about the amount of sex and violence on TV now but not of how TV actually makes you think. He then goes on to say about the two kinds of TV; one where there is multiple interweaving plots and second is where viewer's are "filling in." He talks about how the growth of the number TV shows that are doing this versus back in the day with simple shows like I Love Lucy and how when first introduced TV shows with multiple threading like Hill Street Blues they did receive complaints that show was too complex. But Johnson says twenty years later shows with multiple threading like sopranos are enjoyed because "been trained by two decades of of multi threaded dramas." Then Steven J. talks of the second type of shows where viewers fill in, like for example ER where they give you subtle hints but that they are very scarce that it has viewer going "what is happening? "For each of these types of TV shows he gives detailed descriptions of how TV shows today are like this to comparing then to older TV shows. All this is evidence to back up how TV is now actually making us really think than two decades ago.

The perspective I found interesting and useful in this excerpt was how Johnson talks of how TV has increased the work the viewer must do to watch it and understand, than it used to. TV he says used to have a more simple plot than the recent shows like The Sopranos or ER. It's useful because makes me understand why he believes that TV might be reason why or minds have actually developed because the shows actually make us think. Another perspective I found was useful was how Johnson explained the way TV had two kinds; one with multiple plots and other with viewer "filling in" because made think of shows I watch I try to see which it has multi threading or if it's filling in like ER. After reading this excerpt I think TV has become more "rigorous" with mental exercise but maybe not as much as reading a book yet.

For both I believe way Steven Johnson contradicts Feed because he argues that technology isn't really all that bad, people just view it the way most people do. Game, TV and Internet is a waste of time , it's like the prejudice toward today's technology. But he argues that Games do more than make people have better hand - eye coordination because they are actually hard and that TV makes you actually think. While Feed trying to tell teenagers that technology is bad, that we should stop, so it contradicts what Johnson saying. But at the same time I think Johnson believes that technology is really not bad but at the same time reading is still better than watch TV.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW # 13 - Feed B

Tobin's use of allegory is interesting because they way he sets up the setting makes it seem like it's happening in the future when it's actually about modern - day teenage lives. He creates a lot of parallels between his book and reality, which is what some artists try to do in their artwork. So you could say Tobin in a sense, is an artist painting what he believes and sees as the modern day teenager. The plot he creates seems familiar because it has a lot of comparisons with our lives, the way they feel to even the way they speak. He does seem to emphasize the problems but does not offer any solutions, the only person in the book that seemed to get what was wrong was Violet. Violet saw the problems, for example how their skin was falling off but instead of trying to do something or make it stop, the teenagers saw it as a trend. With Violet i believe he was showing that not all of us are the same, some of us can understand the problems with our lives or even the world. Her death was what made the book a tragedy because the only teen that saw what was wrong with their lives dies?? I think it made Tobin's message even stronger.

I believe his book was for both adult audience and young, Feed was about modern - day teenage society but at the same time hinted that the reason Titus and his crew and all teens were living the way they were was because of the adults. The adults were the ones still running the schools, making the descions to what to do with the planets or the parks. So I believe he meant Feed for both the adults and teens. To tell you the truth, i'm not really sure why he wrote it as a book than a film or a hyperlinked website but it could have been becasue it was just the way he wanted to spread his message. I agree Feed is a good example of revelatory art, because it "reveals" what our lives are like adults and teens alike.

Bert Brecht "Art is not a Mirror with which to reflect the World. It is a Hammer with which to shape it." is an insightful saying because usually people say art is what the artist sees and draws or paints and what he sees is the world. so wouldn't the artist's painting be a reflection of the world? So it made me think is art a hammer then?? I believe a mirror cannot be hammer because the reflection of the mirror is shaped by hammer. I think Feed is a hammer because it shapes what our world is like. In my ownart i would like to revelatory like Tobin's but not sure if I would kie it to be a hammer or mirror.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

HW # 12

Feed for the most part is on target of what is happening in a modern teenage life, for example the way the teenagers in the book all use slang like teenagers today do. Although they say youch, meg or unit instead of hot, mad and son. They also keep up with the latest trends in clothes and hair like we do. Except the girls change their hairstyle like three times a day. Titus and his friends all listen to the hottest music at the time for example the song called "I'll sex you in" that they all couldn't even get out of their head even after the party. We also listen to latest music except we get to choose the music we like not our feed.

Other parallels feed has with modern teenage life is their relationships with others, like when Titus first sees Violet, the way he checks her out ands wants to talk to her. Shows how teenagers can act when they like someone. Or when Quendy put on all those lesions over her body just so Link can like her is an example of how far one can go to be liked by someone. Or how Titus was with his friends, he just wanted to be cool while he was around them so they would like and accept him.

But not everything Feed talked about is parallel to the modern teenage life, for example what they learn in school is not what we learn now. They learn how to use their feeds and the schools are run by the corporations. Because of this they don't learn how to read or write like we do. Another way Feed is unparallel with modern teenage life is how their feeds send them ads showing exactly what they would like to buy depending on what they've bought before. We get ads when we are on Internet but they don't coincide with what we like or want exactly. Feed also talks of how there is no parks or trees anymore because they had destroyed most of them to industrialize. I hope we never get to the point where we destroy all our trees, nature and wildlife to make way for our new technology and advanced life.